The wolf brotherhood has gathered together again and for the last time, as the comedy franchise of director Todd Phillips ends with the third part. This time the adventure of the party group will not continue in the style of wedding bells and its preparations with the climax of the bachelor party, ...
The wolf brotherhood gathered together again and for the last time as well, as with the third
the comedy franchise of director Todd Phillips also ends in part.
The adventure of the party group will not continue this time in the wedding style
of bells and its preliminaries with the climax of the celebration of the bachelorhood, namely
the cause of this time's problems is the death of Alan's father. Alan no way
she can't come to terms with his loss, so she falls into a deep depression. Phil,
Stu and Doug want to help him and escort him to a psychiatric hospital.
However, things start to go wrong when unknown criminals are on the way
they kidnap Doug. Now they must find the infamous Mr. Chow and turn him in
criminals in exchange for saving your friend. But if we mention
that unforgettable adventure returns to Las Vegas, the gaming capital of
good luck and beautiful girls, then you can't rely on anything at all.