
Happy Easter

For 11 years, the Rotary Club has been contributing to charity during the Easter weekend, by giving out pies to passers-by on Friday and Saturday mornings at the Ljubljana market, and we can repay the act with charitable contributions. However, the charity starts the day before, when we can join in the coloring of pirchs at 3 pm in Hostel Celica on...

Important information
Hostel Celica and Ljubljana Market, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

For 11 years, the Rotary Club has been contributing to charity during the Easter weekend, by giving out pies to passers-by on Friday and Saturday mornings at the Ljubljana market, and we can repay the act with charitable contributions. However, the charity begins the day before, when we can join in the coloring of pirhs at 3 pm in Hostel Celica on Metelkova.

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