
Hard bread: how to soften hard bread so that it is as soft as fresh

How to get rid of hard bread?

Never throw hard bread in the trash. With this simple trick, it can be as soft as when it came out of the oven!

It awaits everyone in the bread storage chest at some point hard bread. But don't give up on it too quickly, because hard bread is different from moldy bread not for write-off! We can use it for many things, which you can read more about in the article 10 interesting ideas on how to reuse old bread, but this time let's see how to make it that way again with a few simple steps soft, as he was then when he was fresh.

READ MORE: 10 interesting ideas on how to reuse old bread

So that you don't have to cut the bread with a saw, use the water, aluminum foil and oven trick instead.
So that you don't have to cut the bread with a saw, use the water, aluminum foil and oven trick instead.

What is the process of "reviving" hard bread, read below:

How to soften hard bread

  • Soak hard bread in cold water first.
  • Then wrap it in aluminum foil and place it in an oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius.
  • Heat it at this temperature for 15 minutes.
  • After the elapsed time, remove the foil and leave the bread in the oven for another 10 minutes.

And you can enjoy it again like butter to soft bread. People will ask you: "Is it fresh?" And you retort: "No, washed with water!"

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