
Have you met your karmic soulmate yet? That's 9 characters!

Ever heard of the phrase karmic soul mate?

A karmic soulmate is a combination of a soulmate and karma. All relationships we have in life are karmic. Every person we meet is connected to us by a pre-life agreement and by karmic debts. This also includes parents, siblings, lovers, friends and our children.

Karma means action. Everything we do or even think counts as an action and has consequences. So if you meet your karmic soulmate and you are going through a hard time because of them, it is actually the best learning time of your life because you have a soul contract with that person, you are soulmates.

It's not the pretty, fairytale love story you'd expect. Not even close. Most karmic relationships turn your life upside down and leave it in disarray.

A relationship with a karmic soulmate is challenging, stressful, but ultimately very rewarding as you grow and get rid of some karmic debt. But until you are ready to understand the lesson that has been given to you, you will feel angry, lost and sad.

Do you feel like you are experiencing or have you ever experienced such a relationship? If you suspect that your partner is your karmic soul mate, you will know for sure after reading these common signs.

These are 9 signs you've met yours karmic soulmate!

1. They seem destined for you

"Know that we have met before and that we will meet again. I will find my way to you in my next life and in every life after that. " – Mia Hollow

You've never felt anything like it. It's a strange feeling to know someone and not be able to explain why and how this is possible. Each of us has that hidden part of ourselves that cannot be expressed in words. It can only be felt, and there aren't many people who can make you feel it.

Usually this person is not good to you, they probably did something that you would never forgive anyone else, but you always find understanding in your heart for them. They are someone with special powers that make you feel things that you can't with anyone else. This is a karmic connection - the feeling that you knew them in a past life and that they are meant to be reunited with you in this life.

2. You feel an instant connection with them

When you first see this person, you will immediately feel them. Some say they feel like something has "hit them". Once you make eye contact, you'll be hooked. You might hate them or dislike something about them at first, but you'll know right from the start that there's something more to that person.

After the first meeting, you will find yourself thinking about her unusually often and wondering why. You will dream of the moment you meet her again by chance. If you met by chance, by some strange synchronicity, find out what it is about this person that attracts you so strongly.

3. Feelings are stronger when you are with them

At the beginning of a relationship, you will notice that every feeling you normally experience in similar circumstances is ten times stronger and more intense when you are with this person, be it happiness, anger, sadness or excitement. Everything he does has a profound effect on you and vice versa. As painful as it is at times, it's also extremely enjoyable when things are good. You realize that something is "not quite right", you ignore all the warning signs, because your relationship is like a drug.

When a relationship ends, people find it difficult to feel such intense emotions again and feel that they will never experience true love again.

4. They connect you to their dark side

"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by becoming aware of darkness.” – Carl Jung

You have healthy, happy relationships. But sometimes you are still dissatisfied. This feeling stems from the inability to share all aspects of myself until that moment. You have not explored all your hidden sides, needs or desires. This changes when you meet your karmic soulmate. Everything that has been hiding in the darkest corners of your mind is now exposed and there is nothing you can do about it.

Usually you try to put it all back, hide it where it was and carry on as if nothing happened. But when you consciously perceive the "dark side" of yourself, there is no going back, you can only make sense of it.

You may feel uncomfortable, afraid, and think that you are not "good" or "worthy" enough. You will experience hell, but you will grow through it. This is the meaning of the karmic relationship. This is not about your bad habits, but about your deep-rooted beliefs about yourself, your life, your relationships...

5. They trigger your worst fears

Then when your karmic partner opens Pandora's box, all your fears are on display and you have nowhere to hide. He will make you feel insecure, because he will ask you about everything, he will start your self-confidence. All this time you will feel bad and hurt, but you will never feel alone. This is due to your innate recognition of a previous life.

Although you do not consciously perceive that what is happening is for your good, no matter how confusing it may seem, this is a lesson of the soul. Your karmic partner usually doesn't do this on purpose, but they certainly push all the "wrong buttons".

There is probably no person who can trigger reactions in you more easily, and this is no coincidence. Not only is it no accident, they are "programmed" to trigger you. Everything about karmic soulmates screams through painful love. This connection cannot be avoided. If it becomes too toxic, it needs to be discontinued, but as long as they are in your life, they will mark you forever.

6. Your relationship has toxic moments

Souls reincarnate into this life to pay off their karmic debt, and that debt is something that can be partially, but never fully or completely, controlled. You can ease it through good deeds and conscious living, but you will be reminded of your past actions in one way or another. Nevertheless, it is difficult to maintain peace, rationality and a sense of true self in such relationships.

When you are with your karmic partner, you struggle with your illusion of yourself. They are your (very clean and undistorted) mirror. Subconsciously, they want you to see yourself as you really are, without all the junk or other people's influences that have accumulated over the years. Of course, this means a roller coaster of emotions and a relationship that is often labeled as toxic. No matter how long it takes, you don't care about the toxic parts, only the good.

It is very difficult to maintain a cheerful and happy attitude when someone is constantly pointing out your imperfections, whether you like it or not. That is their purpose, and your soul lessons transcend labels, no matter what anyone says. Of course, this does not mean that you should stay in abusive relationships - quite the opposite.

7. You can't imagine your future with them

Despite the obvious soul connection, you know deep down that you cannot imagine a future with this person. You can't imagine a peaceful or normal relationship with them, and you definitely don't want to stay in a tumultuous relationship for the rest of your life. In fact, your mind doesn't know what to do when you start thinking about it, but your heart already knows it's destined to end. But when you think about losing them, your heart sinks and you go into panic mode. Know that this is normal. After all, you have no way of knowing what kind of relationship you had with them in previous lives.

Whenever we experience something intense, it could be related to something we don't remember from previous lives. Separation from a person with whom you are very karmically connected is a very painful but inevitable experience.

8. They changed your life forever

Once you meet your karmic soulmate, your life will never be the same. Everything will be different, you will feel different. You will lose connection with many of the things you used to love and your perspective on relationships will be changed forever. It is possible that you will lose some friends or find a new group of people who share your beliefs.

A karmic partner brings big life lessons in a short period of time and not everyone is ready to take it positively. For some people, the whole experience feels like another failure. Some people feel used up, betrayed or abandoned after their partner leaves. It will take time for you to process all of this and realize that this person was your teacher, no matter how confusing something that happened may have been at first glance.

This experience will change your life forever and you will remember it for the rest of your life.

9. You have become aware of recurring patterns in your life

One of the things that happens after that is you get a clear picture about some things in your life that are no longer serving you. After saying goodbye to the inauthentic part of yourself, you will make room for stronger intuition and higher consciousness. For example, you will begin to notice how karma really works in everyday life, or you will begin to notice how you keep running into the same type of person over and over again and how they always have the same effect on you.

You will begin to notice and understand the signs better than before. You will learn to see the subtler signs and be sure of their true meaning. You will learn how to break karmic ties and pay off debt.

Other types of relationships

Besides the karmic soulmate, there are a few other types of relationships. None of these relationships or their definitions are firmly established (meaning there are no set rules for them), but they help us make sense of our experiences.

1. Twin Flame

"I look into your eyes and I am convinced that some divine artist dipped her brush into the same soul and painted both of us with it." – Kristen Rodgers

This type of relationship means that you are not only connected to another person on a soul level, but that you share one soul with them. It feels like you are whole again and able to experience true connection on all possible levels.

2. Traditional soulmate relationships

"Our souls speak a language beyond human understanding. A bond so rare that the universe will not let us part.” – Nikki Rowe

A soulmate connection is not always romantic and can happen with anyone, including a friend, family member, co-workers... Of all relationships, soulmate relationships are the most mature in the sense that there are no hard lessons or toxic behaviors.

Some of the signs you will see when you find your soulmate are:

  • you feel an immediate connection, but everything about it is soothing rather than disturbing;
  • you share similar or the same life goals and genuinely enjoy each other's personalities;
  • you rarely or never experience negative emotions from each other;
  • feel free to apologize or discuss any matter;
  • there are no secrets or taboos between you.

3. Karmic relationships

"Every relationship in you holds strength or weakness." – Mike Murdock

They are almost always poisonous and offensive. Karmic relationships can happen to anyone. Unfortunately, there is usually some dependency between them and it is difficult to cut the ties.

Your experiences are unique and your existence is unique. We are born different and with the gift of intuition. We are our own guru and teacher.

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