
Haven: An app that turns your phone into a surveillance system

The Haven app takes care of your security.

Edward Snowden, who in 2013 revealed information about US surveillance of telephone and online information in the US and abroad, is a supporter of the new Haven application, which is designed to protect against computer theft.

Haven is an app that works on everyone phone with the Android operating system. It was founded as a substitute for a control system, as it uses the camera and recorder of your mobile phone, and is also able to detect movement and inform the user about it. It was developed by the Foundation Guardian Project and Freedom of the Press and Edward Snowden.

The Haven app aims to replace conventional surveillance systems.
The Haven app aims to replace conventional surveillance systems.

So how does Haven work? Let's imagine that we store our laptop in the hotel safe. In addition, we set up a device with the Android operating system, on which the Haven application is loaded, in the safe. If someone opens the safe and tries to steal our things, the device will captured photos and sound and detected motion. We will soon be informed about this by a message or a special signal on our phone.

Haven can also be used in other cases. It can also be a home or office security system. It can be used to catch burglars or vandals at work. The recordings can be used as proof against law breakers. We can download the application on our Android from online stores Google Play or F-Droid.

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