
If he looks at these parts of your body first, then he doesn't like you "that way"

According to research, you can find out in a very simple way whether someone likes you or not.

Researchers at Wellesley College and the University of Kansas conducted a study and found that if a man looks at a woman's face, he doesn't like her in a romantic sense. When his gaze is directed at chest or hips, means that he is looking at her in a romantic way. If someone looks you in the face, they probably like you, but not in an intimate way.

In the research, in which they wanted to determine whether a certain person was attractive to someone or not, 105 heterosexual undergraduate students participated. Their task was to look at photos of men and women and, based on that, answer whether they wanted to be friends with a certain person or go on a date with them. The researchers, however, monitored their views.

It is important to emphasize that only heterosexuals participated in the study. The researchers pointed out that the men who looked at women's breasts and hips in this study could be linked to other research that found that men choose women when choosing a partner. based on her reproductive abilities.

When his gaze is directed at your chest or hips, it means that he is looking at you in a romantic way.

In addition, the study shows that attitudes depend on what we are looking for in relationships. Men looked at women's breasts and hips, whether they were looking for love or not. Women, on the other hand, looked at a man's face, but they looked at him for a longer time if they wanted to be friends with him. They also looked at the legs and feet when their thoughts were "clean".

"Attractiveness research seeks to investigate whether there is a fixed set of characteristics that make a person desirable. A new study shows that what people look for in a potential partner depends on their relationship goals." she said Angela Bahns , co-author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at Wellesley College.

Ladies, don't be offended if the man you like is looking at your ears or legs and not your breasts. He may be progressive in his thinking and aware of the fact that female partners are not just for intimate relationships.

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