
Healing effects of the sea: Natural therapy for body and soul

Soothing for soul and body

Photo: Pexels / Thought Catalog

The feeling of breathing fresh sea air and hearing the waves of the sea is something that relaxes and revitalizes. Salty sea air is rich in negative ions that help detoxify blood and tissues and improve respiratory function. Research shows that people who spend time by the sea suffer less from depression and anxiety).

Thalassotherapy, derived from the Greek word "thalassa" (sea), has been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases. Even the ancient Greeks used sea water to treat eczema, arthritis and asthma. Sea water contains many minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

Photo: Pexels / Oripolito

Sea water – a treasure trove of minerals

Infusion of minerals

Sea water is full of essential minerals that nourish the skin and body. Magnesium helps with cellular metabolism and accelerates healing, calcium promotes the regeneration of skin cells, potassium regulates skin moisture, and sodium maintains its moisture. When we dive into sea water, these minerals penetrate the epidermis of the skin, nourishing and revitalizing it​​.

Peeling and detoxification

The natural salt content in seawater acts as a gentle exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores. This effect reveals fresher and smoother skin and improves its complexion. Seawater also has detoxifying properties, helping to remove impurities and toxins from the skin, leading to clearer skin and a youthful glow.

Cleansing and antiseptic properties

The high concentration of salt in seawater acts as a natural antiseptic, which is especially useful for reducing the appearance of acne and other skin problems. In addition, it helps regulate excessive fat production, reduces inflammation and soothes irritated skin.

Photo: Pexels / Oripolito

Swimming in the sea - a comprehensive exercise for the body

Swimming in seawater is an excellent form of exercise that strengthens the muscles of the entire body and the cardiovascular system and improves joint mobility. It also helps to better supply the heart and lungs with oxygen and increases lung capacity. One hour of swimming in the butterfly style burns as many as 800 calories, which is great for maintaining body weight.

The sea as a natural therapist

Whether relaxing on the beach or actively swimming, the sea climate and water have many health benefits. Fresh sea air improves respiratory function, and sea water with its mineral ingredients nourishes and soothes the skin. So if you're looking for a natural way to improve your health, it might be time to plan a visit to the sea.


By the sea you can find everything you need for physical and mental renewal. From the rich minerals in the seawater that nourish the skin to the healing sea air that stimulates the respiratory system, the sea is a true treasure of natural therapy. So the next time you think about a vacation, don't forget all the beneficial effects that a visit to the sea can bring.

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