
Helicopter Glamping: Now you can sleep in a helicopter

Helicopter Glamping

If historic hotels, yurts or superfine glamping resorts are simply too much for you, how about a night or two in a real helicopter? In Scotland, specifically at Mains Farm in Stirling, the Helicopter Glamping hotel room awaits you, which found its place in a ZA127 Sea King Helicopter that once belonged to the Royal Navy.

A helicopter ZA127 Sea King Helicopter it is said to have once been used for search and rescue, and Martyn Steedman and his wife Louise used it at auction bought in March 2016. For transformation into a special and luxurious room Helicopter Glamping spent tens of thousands of euros.
It's a helicopter remodeled inside and out, with the exterior getting new arms, paint and lighting. The interior is surprisingly spacious – he can also sleep in it family (2 adults and 3 children).

Are you in a helicopter for the night?
Are you in a helicopter for the night?

There is also a lot of light in the helicopter thanks sun domes and double-glazed doors. The soothing interior is white with some blue and some red for pop.
A night in unique glamping is around 170 euros for 2 adults, and for a child it is necessary to pay around 12 euros. They are also available special offers.

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