
Kormaran – a mutating luxury boat

When we see Kormaran, we ask the same question as people who saw Superman in the sky. Is this a catamaran? Is this a trimaran? Is it a monohull? No, it's the Kormaran, a seven-meter three-footer among watercraft that even James Bond wouldn't defend against. It is the finest floating cocktail, made of carbon foil and served in a designer exhibitionism that will rock the nautical world.

Helmsman is currently still concept, but if he manages to get to the "shore", he will choose his own class inside water vessels and it will surely sail in calm waters for a while, because it will competition needed time to reply (to potential buyers, that is, those from class 1%, the wave of the economic crisis did not come like a tsunami, so Kormaran will certainly find owners).

This is not a new mutating beast from the Transformers franchise, but a concept that goes by the name of Kormaran. Yes, Michael Bay would be proud.
This is not a new mutating beast from the Transformers franchise, but a concept that goes by the name of Kormaran. Yes, Michael Bay would be proud.

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It is Optimus Prime among the boats- It's easy catamaran, aquatic scooter, speedboat and deck for sunbathing or floating docks that can change their appearance or it also changes its behavior while driving. It has the most advanced sliding surface that reduces water resistance to 80%, which means higher speeds (capable of up to 38 knots, i.e. 70 km/h) with a smaller footprint on the environment, and can be found under and on the shell aircraft technology (ultralight) and Formula 1.

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