
Herman Miller: Smart furniture that connects with you in a deeper way

The standing desk remembers any height and adjusts it every time it is used.

It is slowly becoming clear to us that the world is getting smarter and we will have to accept it as such. They are also aware of this at the American Herman Miller, a company that designs and manufactures modern furniture. The company, whose roots go back to 1923, is known for its cooperation with the most eminent designers and thus already created an extremely strong name for itself in the middle of the 20th century. Their latest work is smart office furniture, and we're curious to see what it's like.

Live OS is the first system in the world that managed to connect furniture with people on a deeper level. The goal is a better and more efficient working environment, as much as possible customized the needs of the individual. System Live OS connects furniture to the cloud via sensors and thus, for example, enables the desktop to 'feel' the man sitting behind her. A standing desk will do just that remembered the height, which suits you best, and each time it is used adjusted. All you have to do to do this is tap the control panel on your desk and wait for Live OS to do its thing. Everything takes place, of course, through the application, which actually stores your settings and then communicates with the system Live OS or furniture.

A table that remembers the most suitable height and adapts to you.

Live OS it may be the first, but certainly not the last, system that will penetrate our lives and make them easier for us.


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