
A hidden beach in Mexico is a true hidden paradise

A hidden beach in Mexico

A hidden beach in Mexico is another proof of the great power of mother nature, which created something beautiful from a place that was destroyed by an explosion years ago.

The Meriatas Islands are located a few kilometers from the coast Puerto Vallarta in Mexico, where they were formed thousands of years ago with the help of volcanic activity. Today, they are a group of smaller and uninhabited islands that can boast of beautiful views and a very diverse marine life. Because of their uninhabited nature, they were used by the Mexican government in the early 1900s as a place where the military conducted various tests, especially explosives. This left many holes in the islands, in which many caves and rock formations were created. It was only in the 1960s that the government stopped testing and declared one of the islands as National Park, thereby protecting it from fishing, hunting and other human activities that could harm it.

The island recovered in the coming years, and the tide also brought sand and over time created a beautiful hidden beach Hidden beach or Playa del Amor. Access to it is not easy and may not be suitable for an ordinary tourist. A permit is required to visit the beach and once you are brought to the island by boat, you have to swim to the beach through an underwater tunnel that opens into one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

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