
The Hidden Pitfalls of Perfection: Why Imperfection Isn't So Wrong After All

Photo: Paul Castanie/Unsplash

Sometimes we are just obsessed with the fact that everything has to be perfect. Would it be better to accept imperfections as well? Is it so bad if something goes wrong? If you didn't know everything. If we didn't always say or do the right things?

Do you realize that there is no such thing as perfection? Above all, perfection can also harm us in some way.

Maybe we are wounded because of it

Because that's the only way let's learn to love again. Let's learn to better distinguish between those who love us as we are and those who only love us when they need us.

Maybe that's why we lose the people we love

Because that's the only way we learn to value people, instead of taking them for granted. We learn to forgive others and realize that life is too short to hold grudges. And that sometimes people don't always stay in our lives as long as we want them to. Sometimes our fears prevent us from taking risks to make changes because we forget that we may not get another chance.

Maybe that's why we fail

We seek perfection. But in imperfection we find something in which we are better. We let go of things that are not meant for us, so that we can enter the future and find our potential in it. We find our passion and what makes us truly happy. Maybe we fall so we can start over and write a new story with a better ending.

Mistakes don't define you. You are perfect in your own way. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

Maybe that's why we make mistakes

That we can learn that we will never be perfect, no matter how hard we try. To realize that some things will not reach us, that they are not meant for us and there is nothing wrong with that. There is no point in lamenting the past. We were born to figure out what life throws at us, which means making imperfect decisions and learning things the hard way.

Maybe the wrong things aren't so wrong after all.

Maybe they are just the right ones. But we refuse to believe them that they may be exactly what we need, but not what we want. Maybe they're just reminders that better things are ahead and that wonderful things will come out of failure and pain.

Allow yourself to make mistakes, they will make you an even better version of yourself!

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