
High heels throughout history - men were the first to wear heels!

High heels over time

High heels may seem like a modern phenomenon, but this is far from the case. Did you know that high heels were first worn by men or horsemen? Napoleon even predicted wars in them! The path to high heels is centuries old and is surrounded by at least as many stories as the beard of King Matthias wrapped around the table. Already in the 15th and 16th centuries, platforms made of cork and wood ruled. Reason? Practicality (so that clothes do not drag on the floor) or flaunting wealth and social standing - depending on who you ask. Over the years, high-heeled shoes have become a symbol of self-confidence and sexiness, and women also love them because they optically lengthen their legs.

High heels they have a rich history. Although today they are a symbol of femininity, at first high heels weren't just reserved for women. They swore by them horse riders and cowboys. In this case, we are talking about quite low heels (up to 1.5 cm) and not stilettos, but they have grown right from riding boots. And who invented high heels? Man, why not! It must have been him Leonardo da Vinci. And while we're at it. High heels are said to be responsible for Mona Lisa's mysterious smile.

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The first known woman to wear heels was Catherine of Medici (1533), who is also "guilty" of getting the shoes the smell of fashion. In the 21st century, women have more choices than ever before. Low (up to 6 centimeters), medium high, high (above 8.5 centimeters) and killer high heels, dizzyingly thin or wide. Below you can see the history of high heels in the picture.

High heels through history in the picture:

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