
Highly intelligent people curse and go to bed late

What qualities do we usually associate with high intelligence? Curiosity? Responsiveness? Versatility and ingenuity? Perhaps indeed. Have you ever thought that a high IQ could also be associated with swearing? Probably not. But you (we) were obviously wrong.

Research has shown that they are high IQ and cursing in a rather reciprocal relationship. A psychologist Christine and Timothy Jay from the USA they started mentioned research and came to the conclusion that "those people for whom these forbidden words flow well usually also have a better vocabulary and are otherwise more articulate."

Those who swear are supposed to be smarter.
Those who swear are supposed to be smarter.

But cursing is not the only trait that would be difficult to attribute to a superior at first IQ. Some other research has shown that she also belongs among them overnight stay. Well, we don't exactly mean 'partying', but ending the day in the later hours. The results showed that people who go to bed after midnight, on average higher IQ. Experts have come to the conclusion that more intelligent people need more distractions for intense thinking. In translation, this probably means that they are a mess or chaos represent a greater challenge.

They say that sleeping late is also responsible for a higher IQ.
They say that sleeping late is also the reason for a higher IQ.

Until now, we attributed these qualities to perhaps lazier or even less perceptive people. Let's think again.

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More information:
sciencedirect.com and psychologytoday.com

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