
His hedonist

Matevž Faganel was thinking about a woman with big sunglasses and disheveled hair fluttering in the wind while creating his new collection for spring and summer 2011. She winks at him coquettishly as the honeyed rays of the setting sun surround her, Blondie playing in the background. A woman who will choose clothes...

Matevž Faganel was thinking about a woman with big sunglasses and disheveled hair fluttering in the wind while creating his new collection for spring and summer 2011. She winks at him coquettishly as the honeyed rays of the setting sun surround her, Blondie playing in the background. A woman who chooses clothes from the m*faganel brand knows exactly who she is and what she does. She is determined, exuberant, positive, full of energy and most importantly - lives for the moment. He scoops up life with a big spoon and dares to take a step forward, dares to dream. She is a hedonist who loves busy Mondays, relaxed Fridays, Saturday parties and lazy Sunday mornings. She is sexy, direct and always leaves an impression. The m*faganel collection is based on strong colors that are combined with eternal black. The color scheme is inspired by the works of the cult painter Matisse and, together with the perfect cuts, forms a whole. The combination is free to the imagination and offers either a more calm, business version by adding black, or a lively version with a selection of intensely colored pieces. The silhouette remains elegant and draws on geometrically clean lines, and together with falling silk and soft pleats, it forms the ideal balance between naughty exuberance and resolute femininity.


Maxi department store, Trg republike 1, Ljubljana and www.m-faganel.com

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