
The history of men's underwear

Men's underwear through time

Although the history of men's underwear is far from as varied and tumultuous as the history of women's underwear, this does not mean that their story is a lullaby. Quite the opposite. See how men's underwear has evolved over the past 100 years.

The history of men's underwear maybe not as colorful as a woman, but also the evolution of men's underpants was varied. From classic panties, underwear, boxers to thongs. As you can see, men also have something to show for it.

READ MORE: 100 years of men's swimwear or men's swimwear through history

Men's underwear through time.
Men's underwear through time.

Take a look at the history of men's underwear, which, girls, along with all this naked, hopefully you even notice.

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