
HOFER collected a record 21,039 euros with Nasmeškotki za Botrstvo

Funds allocated to the Student Fund of Botrstva for maintenance fees in student dormitories

HOFER's charity Smiley Girls shared smiles during the holiday season for the fourth year in a row and collected 21,039 euros at the same time. In this year's campaign, the highest amount was collected so far, and the funds from the sale are this time intended to cover the maintenance fees in student dormitories for students from socially weak families under the auspices of the Sponsorship program in Slovenia. Peter Poles joined the charity campaign as the ambassador of this year's Nasmeškotek, and for the first time, Nasmeškotek also offered the possibility of a personal dedication.

In December, the magical power of the Smiley face charity cookie conjured smiles on the faces of our loved ones and young people in need under the auspices of the program Godfatherism in Slovenia. Funds from the sale of Smiley Faces, which have been available in HOFER stores since mid-November at a price of 1 euro, went to the Brotherhood to help cover the cost of living in student dormitories. In this way, they will be able to facilitate access to the desired education for students and enable them to have a better future.

Charity and a smile go hand in hand for a better future

Upon receipt of HOFER's donation to the Student Fund Anita Ogulin, president of ZPM Ljubljana Moste-Polje, said: "We are happy that, together with Nasmeškotko, we will be able to help young people realize their extraordinary potential, thereby fulfilling their wishes for education in the desired direction. We believe that, therefore, they will have a bright future and will be able to support their families."

Together with Botrstvo in Slovenia, HOFER has created many beautiful stories since 2014 and has already donated more than 680,000 euros to charity.

Peter Poles, Ambassador of Smileys

The sharing of smiles also took place via social networks, where it is this year's ambassador of Smileys, Peter Poles, through a series of video posts "Smilie of the Year" shared smiles and made viewers happy. He awarded the winners of the prize game in the categories Smiley of the Year for a good deed, Smiley of the Year for a happy ending to a story, Smiley of the Year for festive atmosphere, Smiley of the Year for the best New Year's resolution and Smiley of the Year 2020, while saying: "I am always reassured by the fact, that we really know how to come together for the right purpose and help each other. The smiley face also has a very special charm - it is beautiful, tasty and always conjures up at least one extra smile. That's why I'm really happy that, together with him, I also brightened the faces of young people, who will receive funds from the sale to help cover the maintenance fees in student dormitories and will thus be able to follow their dreams more easily."

Once again, the delicious Smiley Faces were made in a family goodies factory with more than 25 years of tradition, at HOFER's long-standing supplier - the Delakorda family biscuit shop. This year, Nasmeškotki for the first time offered the possibility of a personal dedication on environmentally friendly packaging and made sure that sharing smiles was even more personal.

"This year's magical smiley face warmed hearts in a special way, as it offered the possibility of writing the names of the persons to whom it was given. With the funds from the sale of Nasmeškots, we also conjured a smile for the students of the Botrstvo program in Slovenia, who will thus more easily focus on the successful completion of the desired course of study, achieve the desired education and have better employment opportunities - and thus a better future," they said at to the company HOFER.

"Solidarity and striving to help each other are always excellent ways to light a spark of love in our hearts. And not only in those who receive our help, but also in the hearts of donors. Good deeds are always returned with positive feelings that give faith, hope and strength for the future," she said in support of this year's charity project. expert in psychosocial counseling, Evija Evelin Zavrl.

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