
Recipe: homemade frutabela, as good as the original

Recipe for homemade Frutabelo

Frutabela is a fruit-cereal slice and a synonym for a healthy snack that fills us with energy. It is full of nuts, dried fruits and cereals. It supplies us with fiber, Omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamins E and B. It is a snack or energy supplement for athletes. Do you want to make your own frutabelo at home? Then the recipe for homemade frutabela is perfect for you.

Frutabella is extremely popular fruit and cereal bar. It is healthy, tasty and made in Slovenia. But did you know that you can also make these wholesome slices yourself at home?

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Homemade frutabela is like that as original suitable for a snack or as an intermediate meal.

Recipe for homemade frutabela:

Ingredients for homemade frutabela (you can adjust them to your wishes, taste or needs):

  • 50 g of dark chocolate
  • 4 tablespoons of softened butter
  • a handful of chopped walnuts
  • a handful of chopped hazelnuts
  • a handful of dried fruit (e.g. apricots)
  • a handful of chopped almonds
  • 2 handfuls of cereal
  • 4 tablespoons of liquid honey


  • 150 g of white chocolate tears
You can also easily prepare frutabelo yourself.
You can also easily prepare frutabelo yourself.

The process of preparing a homemade fruit table:
First, chop the walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and chocolate with a knife (the pieces can be of different sizes), and then add all the other ingredients to them in a bowl. Cut the butter into thin layers and mix it into the ingredients to dissolve it. Add honey (if you use crystallized honey, melt it first). Spread the mass on a baking sheet (the height of the plate should be between one and a half centimeters), which we have previously covered with baking paper. Heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius, and bake the fruit and cereal bars for about 20 minutes. The mass will be soft and it will be able to spread apart, so on the side, for example, with a knife, push the fruit-cereal plate together into a rectangle and let it cool (approx. 2 hours). After it has cooled, cut it into tiles of any size. To give the karsed an original look, melt white chocolate drops over a water bath and coat the slice with melted chocolate. Let it stand for another hour or so to harden. Have a good run!

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