
Pedicure at home: 8 tips on how to do your feet without spending a lot of money in beauty salons

How to do a pedicure at home?

Photo: envato

Feet are an often overlooked but crucial component of our body. Not only do they allow us to move and balance, but proper foot care is also vital to our overall health and well-being. One of the simplest and most effective methods for foot care is a home pedicure. How to do a pedicure at home?

How to do a pedicure? Well-groomed feet are not only pleasing to the eye, but also give the impression of a carefully groomed person. In addition, although we hide our feet in shoes most of the time, we still use them every day, and if they are cared for, we will feel better. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, the health aspect is also extremely important. Improper foot care it can lead to various problems such as cracked heels, corns or even fungal infections. Regular pedicure it not only removes hard skin and excess keratinized layer, but also reduces the risk of developing such problems. Homemade pedicure is a simple, affordable and enjoyable activity that allows you to relax and take care of yourself at the same timethe health and beauty of your feet.

Well-groomed feet are not only pleasing to the eye, but also give the impression of a well-groomed person. Photo: Grabowska/Pexels

How to do a pedicure at home

1. Preparation

The first step to a perfect home pedicure is to prepare the tools. You need a foot bath, a grinding stone or a nail file, nail clippers, scrub, foot cream, cuticles, nail polish and a towel.

2. Irrigation foot bath

Dissolve some salt in a bowl of warm water or add a few drops of essential oil. Irrigate feet for about 10-15 minutes to soften the hard skin.

3. Removal of hard skin

After irrigation with using a grinding stone or a nail file gently remove hard skin from the heels, soles and sides of the feet.

Silk'n VacuPedi an electric foot file that removes even the most stubborn hard skin.

Photo: Notino

4. Nail design

Start shaping your nails with the help of nail clippers. Then, using a nail file, shape nails to your liking.

Professional nail clipper Staleks Smart 70 is perfect for trimming the free edge of nails of all thicknesses. It is equipped with sharp, hand-ground blades that reduce the risk of splitting nails.

Photo: Notino

5. Removing the cuticle

Don't forget the cuticle. Gently push it back using the tool cuticle, to get a neat look.

6. Foot scrub

Use a foot scrub to remove dead skin and keep your feet soft. Massage in circular motions. The foot scrub perfectly takes care of dry and rough skin, softens it, pampers your feet and makes them silky soft.

Peeling perfectly takes care of dry and rough skin, softens it, pampers your feet and makes them silky soft

Photo: Notino

7. Nourishing foot cream

After peeling, apply a rich nourishing foot cream and gently massage it into the skin. This will moisturize your feet and make them soft and pampered.

Regenerative foot mask and nails is intended for everyone who cares about the health and beauty of their feet. The simple use of the herbal poultice is very effective and moisturizes and nourishes both skin and nails well.

Photo: Notino

8. Nail painting

Choose your desired nail polish color and apply an even layer to each nail. Wait for it to dry, then apply a second coat for a better effect.

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