
Homemade energy balls that prevent sweet cravings and reduce hunger

Make homemade energy balls, which will be a great substitute when you crave something sweet.

If you have decided to stop eating sweets, they are homemade energy balls a great solution when there is a crisis. They are easy to prepare, an ally against sudden attacks of hunger and helpful if you want to lose a few kilos.

Energy balls are prepared 1, 2, 3, and at the same time they are a great substitute for sweets.
Energy balls are prepared 1, 2, 3, and at the same time they are a great substitute for sweets.

You will need energy balls raisins, dates and almonds, all in equal amounts. The last two ingredients are the base, and the raisins you can replace with other dried fruit. Put all three ingredients in a blender and let the machine run about 30 seconds. Then spread the mixture on the food foil and form balls. Save them in the freezer, as they are good for up to a few weeks. If desired, you can also add balls cinnamon, pieces of dark chocolate, cocoa or coconut.

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