
Homemade Fertilizer for Lush Green Leaves: “Liquid Gold” for Plants Made with Just 2 Ingredients

A natural solution for shiny leaves and growth

Photo: envato

Are your houseplants or garden plants not growing as well as you would like? Leaves are limp, growth is slowed, and flowers are sparse? Forget about expensive chemical fertilizers – there is a completely natural solution - a fertilizer that will wake up your plants and give them a new lease of life! The main ingredients? Coffee and cinnamon!

Whether it's houseplants, lush ferns, orchids or even garden flowers, this simple homemade fertilizer will provide them with key nutrients for healthy growth. Coffee contains nitrogen, which promotes leaf growth, while cinnamon protects plants from mold and pests. This combination works as a a perfect energy bomb for your green pets!

Photo: envato

How do coffee and cinnamon help plants?

1. Coffee – a natural growth promoter

Unsweetened coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, which is essential for lush green leaf growth and strong plants. They also slightly acidify the soil, which benefits plants that thrive in slightly acidic soil, including: ferns, monsteras, ficuses, roses, hydrangeas and orchids.

Coffee works as slow-release fertilizer, which means that plants gradually absorb nutrients, thus preventing over-fertilization.

2. Cinnamon – a natural shield against disease

Cinnamon is known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties, so it is a great natural way to protect plants from mold and rot. It is especially helpful for plants that are prone to fungal diseases, such as orchids, begonias and herbs.

In addition, cinnamon acts as natural repellent and repels ants, mosquitoes, and certain types of pests that like to attack houseplants.

Photo: envato

How to prepare homemade liquid fertilizer?

The process is simple and quick, and you only need three ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 200 ml unsweetened coffee (you can also use leftover morning coffee)
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

Mix all the ingredients and let the mixture stand. at least 3 hoursto release the active ingredients into the liquid. Then strain it to remove the coffee and cinnamon particles, and pour it into a watering can or spray bottle.

How to use fertilizer?

You can use this liquid fertilizer in two ways:

– Simply pour the mixture around the roots of the plant, being careful not to overdo it. Once to twice a month will be enough for the plant to receive all the necessary nutrients.

Foliar spray – If you want to feed your plants and protect them from pests at the same time, you can pour the mixture into a spray bottle and gently spray the leaves. This method is especially effective for orchids, ferns and monstera, which absorb nutrients well through the leaves.

Which plants have the most benefits?

This fertilizer is perfect for plants that love slightly acidic soil and need extra nitrogen to grow. The best candidates are:

  • Room plants – monstera, ficus, dracaena, ferns, calathea, dieffenbachia, spathiphyllum
  • Flowers – roses, hydrangeas, azaleas, begonias
  • Orchids – especially useful for spraying on leaves
  • Herbs – basil, mint, parsley
  • Garden plants – tomatoes, peppers, strawberries (due to additional nitrogen)

Which plants should avoid this fertilizer?

Although this mixture is great for most plants, it to some better to avoid:

  • Cacti and succulents – They do not need additional nitrogen and do not like excessive moisture.
  • Lavender and rosemary – They grow better in alkaline soil, so acidification does not benefit them.
  • Plants that love dry soil – If your plant grows best with minimal watering, do not use this fertilizer too often.
Photo: envato

Extra trick: Banana peels and rice water for even better results

If you want to provide plants with more more nutrients, you can add to this fertilizer banana peels or rice water.

Banana peels – They are rich in potassium and phosphorus, which promote flowering. Cut banana peels into small pieces, soak in water overnight and then use this water for watering.

Rice water – When you rinse rice before cooking, you save water. It contains vitamins and minerals that promote root development and improve nutrient absorption from the soil.

The results? Lush growth and shiny leaves!

If you repeat this process once or twice a month, you will quickly notice changes. The leaves will become greener and shinier, the plants will be stronger, and the flowers will appear more frequently. In addition, your plants will be more resistant to diseases and pests.

Homemade fertilizer Coffee and cinnamon is a completely natural method that you can use without worry - no chemicals, no waste and with a perfect effect on plants. Try it and enjoy the amazing results!

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