
Homemade hair shampoo: 4 recipes for homemade and natural hair care that actually work

Do you want to make homemade hair shampoo? We have a recipe for you both for homemade hair shampoo and for three other homemade hair care products: homemade dry shampoo, homemade conditioner and homemade herbal hair rinse.

Have you ever thought of making your own? homemade hair shampoo? The following recipes, which contain such ingredients, prove that this is indeed possible homemade hair shampoo like three other effective hair care products. So let's go in order.

1. Homemade hair shampoo from three ingredients

This shampoo is great for all you have curly, dry or thick hair. Unfortunately, if you have fine or oily skin, this will not be the best recipe for you. Use the shampoo within 30 days, but you can also use it to wash your body.

This homemade hair shampoo can also be a shower gel.
This homemade hair shampoo can also be a shower gel.


  • 400 ml of coconut milk
  • 350 ml of liquid castile soap
  • 20 drops of lavender essential oil
  • if desired, 10 drops of rosemary essential oil and 10 drops of cedarwood essential oil


Mix coconut milk and liquid castile soap in a large bowl. Add essential oils. Pour into a bottle (glass or plastic) and consume within 30 days.

2. Homemade hair conditioner

This conditioner is suitable for all hair types.

Homemade hair conditioner is suitable for all hair types.
Homemade hair conditioner is suitable for all hair types.


  • 240 ml of distilled water (plain water can also be used)
  • 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 10 drops of essential oil (tea tree or lemon essential oil for oily hair, lavender essential oil for dry hair, peppermint or rosemary essential oil for normal hair)


Pour distilled or plain water into the container and add 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Add another 10 drops of essential oil of your choice. Pour everything into a spray bottle. After washing your hair with shampoo, spray the homemade hair conditioner on it and leave it for 5 minutes. Then rinse.

3. Herbal water for rinsing hair

A herbal rinse can help you achieve healthier hair. Depending on the herb you use, it can help get rid of dandruff, revive hair color or strands, and stimulate the scalp for faster hair growth.

  • Rosemary: it can stimulate blood circulation to the scalp and thus hair growth.
  • Lavender: it can help balance oil production on the scalp and can help soothe the scalp.
  • Sage: can soothe itchy, dry scalp and help prevent dandruff. It can also gradually darken your hair.
  • Horsetail: it can restore hair strength and help prevent hair breakage.
  • Marigold: it can soothe the scalp and is great for dry hair.
  • Peppermint: it can soothe an inflamed scalp and can increase blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Thyme: it can balance oil production on the scalp, has antiseptic and antifungal properties that can soothe the scalp.
  • Parsley: can restore shine to hair.
  • Chamomile: they are said to be great for light hair, as they can emphasize the strands. If you don't have chamomile, you can use chamomile tea.
  • Bulgarian rose: can help soothe the scalp.
Herbal hair rinse has many positive properties for hair.
Herbal hair rinse has many positive properties for hair.


  • herbs of choice
  • homemade apple cider vinegar
  • glass jar


Place the herbs in a glass jar. Fill it with homemade apple cider vinegar, which should completely cover the herbs. Close the jar tightly and let the herbs soak in the vinegar for at least two weeks.

When they are ready, use the herbal rinse water according to the following procedure:

1. Pour a few tablespoons of the herbal vinegar you have prepared into a large bowl and dilute with water. You can fill the bowl to the top.
2. Next, soak the ends of your hair in this mixture and let it soak for 30 to 60 seconds.
3. Spread the rest of the mixture on the hair and leave it on the hair for 1 to 2 minutes. Then rinse. Recommended use is once a week.

4. Homemade dry shampoo

Homemade dry shampoo
Homemade dry shampoo


  • corn starch
  • cocoa
  • container


Mix equal parts of cornstarch and cocoa in a bowl. If you have fair hair, use as little cocoa as possible, or avoid it altogether if you have red or light brown hair, and we also recommend reducing the amount of cocoa (compared to cornstarch). Cocoa, on the other hand, ensures that no white traces of starch remain on the scalp and gives an extremely pleasant smell. Shake well. Apply to oily scalp with a larger makeup brush. Massage the product in with your fingers and allow it to absorb excess oil. Style the hairstyle as desired.

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