
Homemade insect repellants: Get rid of mosquitoes, flies and other critters with natural solutions

3 natural preparations for peaceful summer pleasures

Photo: envato

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a pleasant summer evening when mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches - insects - began to keep you company?

Summer evenings are the time when we want to relax and enjoy the outdoors, surrounded by fresh air and a pleasant atmosphere. However, annoying insects such as mosquitoes, flies and other insects, they quickly spoil this idyllic picture.

Instead of resorting to chemical agents, which can be harmful to health and the environment, we can resort to natural solutions that are easy to prepare and very effective. They are natural preparations against insects safe, simple and environmentally friendly.

They are in front of you three homemade recipes, which will help you get rid of annoying insects and enjoy the summer in peace.

How to make a preparation against mosquitoes?

To make it you need: sugar, water, yeast and a plastic bottle. First, mix water and sugar in a bowl and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add the yeast and turn off the stove.

Drive away mosquitoes. Photo: Ekamelev / Pexels

Cut off the top of the plastic bottle and turn it upside down. Pour the mixture into a bottle, secure the top with tape and cover the bottle with cardboard or cloth. Place the trap in places where mosquitoes most often congregate.

Bay leaf and clove spray to repel cockroaches

Cockroaches are a common problem in many homes, especially during the warmer months. Instead of using chemical agents, you can try natural ones spray from bay leaves and cloves.

To prepare, you need bay leaves, cloves and water. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and cook for about ten minutes to release the strong aroma. Then pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use it on places where cockroaches appear.

Even flies. Photo: Jerseypics / Pexels

Fly spray made from shampoo, vinegar and oil

Flies are another nuisance that can spoil your enjoyment of the outdoors. A simple mixture of shampoo, vinegar and vegetable oil can effectively repel them.

To prepare the spray, mix equal parts of shampoo, white vinegar and vegetable oil in a container. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it in areas where flies tend to congregate.

So, get rid of insects!

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