
Honda's new e-motorcycle stands on its own!

We are all well aware that the natural position of a motorcycle is to lie on its side in a puddle of gasoline, and that the motorcycle would do anything to get into that position as quickly as possible. Well, kidding aside, of course no one wants accidents and mishaps when the motorcycle is lying on the ground. To make this happen even less often, Honda will present a motorcycle at the Tokyo Motor Show that should not fall so easily.

Honda came up with the idea of the so-called system Riding Assists, which catches the balance and thus keeps the motorcycle in an upright position.

This system will be particularly useful at low speeds, for elderly and disabled people and all those who are just learning how to ride a motorcycle.

Honda Riding Assist
Honda Riding Assists

Before the official presentation, the information is unfortunately very scarce, but judging from the photos, it will have a new one Honda electric motor, which will be placed low under the seat, which will also help k lower center of gravity of the motorcycle. In all probability, gyroscopes will also be located there, which will prevent the motorcycle from overturning.

There's very little time until the Tokyo Motor Show, so until then we'll have to settle for photos and some speculation about the new freestanding electric Honda.

Image gallery: Honda Riding Assist-e

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