
I hope you are ok!

But don't expect anything from me!

I just thought, are you ok, I'm not inviting you back into my life. Photo: Mickael Gresset / Unsplash

I hope you're ok, but that doesn't mean I'm going to call you. It doesn't mean you deserve a place in my life again. This does not mean that everything you did is gone and that everything is forgiven.

Sometimes I think about you, but when old memories come up, about things you did, there's still some anger, some pain, some emotions that I tend to quickly forget, because I know that it wasn't all pretty, that certain difficult things have become synonymous with you.

I hope you're well, but that doesn't mean I want to see evidence of your happiness. I don't want to see you without me. No, I don't think of you that way, because leaving was not an overreaction, but the right decision.

That doesn't mean I regret anything that happened between us. It doesn't mean you were right all along or that you deserve an apology. You were not innocent, you were the cause of the decision.

I hope you're ok, there's nothing wrong with never finding out. I will not look for you or turn to you for anything.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

I won't risk getting hurt again because I'm happy. I let you out of my heart. All the love and pain. There is nothing left, only hazy memories.

There were moments when I wanted you to hurt as much as I did. I was wondering how you can even look in the mirror and accept what you have become.

I hope you are ok, but don't expect any messages from me. I don't owe you a conversation. I owe myself peace.

The occasional thought of you doesn't mean I want you back in my life. That doesn't mean you can erase what happened in the past. That doesn't mean you can go back and start over.

I hope you're doing well without me because I'm doing great without you. I'm living a life I wouldn't have with you. Thank you!

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