
Horoscope 2020: how will your career change?

What does the 2020 horoscope predict for you in the field of career or work?

"2020 is a great year to focus on your career goals because of a shift that hasn't happened in 10 years: Jupiter will enter Capricorn," Stephanie Powell of Astrology.com and Horoscope.com told Bustle. "Jupiter is the planet of happiness, abundance, wealth and wisdom, and stays in each sign for about 12 months."

That's why it will new year a year of opportunity. "In the zodiac, Capricorn is responsible for our reputation, public image and career. 2020 is the best time to manifest our dream job. If we are willing to work hard, we will experience valuable payoff and transformation in our careers." adds Powell.

Depending on the sign you were born in, it can mean that promotion or more new projects, but it can also mean a small step back and simultaneously preparing for big things in 2021 and beyond. Let's see what the stars have in store for us in the field of career for 2020.


The year 2020 is promising for Aries more new career opportunities. For starters, they should receive a bigger payout as soon as Jupiter moves into the 10th house, the astrologer told Bustle Joy Strong. This combination can lead to general luck in your career, so you shouldn't be surprised if everything goes smoothly. Also, 2020 is the year when they have the greatest chance to realize their desire to work abroad.

The year 2020 promises several new career opportunities for Aries.
The year 2020 promises several new career opportunities for Aries.


In 2020, the bulls will step up to leading positions. This will be an extremely successful year for them. "Because of Uranus, the career planet for bulls, they will experience rapid and favorable changes," Strong said. It could be about promotion, salary increase and for job offers in management positions. In order to fully embrace these changes, the bulls should continue what they are doing, but at the same time prepare for new things.


Gemini will be in 2020 for their career done more than ever before. The biggest change will be that they will suddenly care a lot about their career. "Gemini is a versatile sign, which means that they often have several things going on at the same time, and it's not always related to work or work. But in the new year, the focus will shift," Joy pointed out. Their career planet Neptune will deliver greater ambitions and better focus. This will be a great opportunity for the twins to start networking and to present their ideas to the world.


The biggest change in a Cancer's career will be theirs success in the field of secondary, side business. According to astrologer and "life coach" Jennifer Lakshmi Dove, this should flourish. It must be something creative, which they care a lot about, but unfortunately it hasn't gotten enough attention yet. Therefore, in 2020 Cancers should focus on that secondary business that they think has potential, they should network and take some small risks.

A side business will flourish for Cancers.
A side business will flourish for Cancers.


Lions will be at work in 2020 accepted even more management positions, as they already have. This will be the year they become the leaders they have always wanted to be. According to Dov, this sign will be in 2020 grow and prosper, as lions will start to trust themselves more. And as long as they keep in mind how much their knowledge is worth, they will be successful!

A virgin

The biggest career change will include more free time, so that she can devote herself to personal growth. This is good for Virgos, as they are known for being hyper-organized, having a schedule for everything, and always being busy. "Virgins like everything for everything," says Dovova. For a virgin, this can mean that she works late into the night and doesn't know how to say "no". In 2020, this sign will decide that finally enough is enough! “Take more time to relax,” advises Dovova. "This is a year of greater personal growth. Give her space.” Take it vacation to prevent burnout, to schedule your tasks and then take advantage of all the positive changes!


Libras will have a career in 2020 with ups and downs. "In 2020, Libra will pay more attention to home life than career," says Strong. Instead of late meetings or business meetings, they will prefer channeled all their energy into life outside of work. The goal is for them to have a more rounded schedule, to feel balanced and ready for new projects in the future. Due to this, there may be some negative changes in the Libra's career, as the Moon is her career planet. But as long as Libra keeps a level head, it will get through this too.

Libras will prefer to focus all their energy on life outside of work.
Libras will prefer to focus all their energy on life outside of work.


Scorpios will too in 2020 focus on life outside of work, says Strong. They will really want to focus on building relationships and focus on other things they they make you happy, which means they will put some pressure on themselves (they still want to be the best at work). "Nevertheless, it should be a career-enhancing year for Scorpio, as his career planet is the Sun," adds Strong. They'll keep doing what they're already doing, but they'll save major changes for the future.


Sagittarius will survive 2020 in preparation for future career changes. Like a scorpion, he will focus to work outside of work, says Strong. For them, there will be more emphasis on "behind the scenes" and on internal preparations for future career success. Instead of sticking to the daily grind (as in 2019), it will relaxed a bit and focused on the things that interest him. This will lay the foundation for future success.


In 2020, Capricorn will boost his career by being worked on himself and prepared for the future. Capricorns are otherwise known as hard workers, constantly ticking off their to-do lists. They work hours and hours and achieve goals like no one else. So they have already "locked" their careers. And that's why they will work harder in 2020 balancing life outside of work, that they will be fully rested and ready for a new day. This also includes brainstorming the future on which they will be based knew exactly what they wanted to achieve in 2021.

In 2020, Capricorn will work on himself and prepare for the future.
In 2020, Capricorn will work on himself and prepare for the future.


Aquarians will enter their careers in 2020 ingenuity! "Inventive Aquarius will have a strong year in the field of career and will reap success, which is otherwise a constant trend for them," says Strong. Maybe they will get recognition at work or be promoted. But they will never lose track of what is most important to them. "Pluto is the career planet of Aquarius, which brings focus to the idealistic and meaningful work of Aquarius," says Strong. Although they will be offered interesting work opportunities, they will be Aquarians cope with a job to help people, although this one doesn't come with a flashy title.


The year 2020 will inspire Pisces to bring into their lives more art and find a way to turn it into a career. In the coming year, fish should move away from their usual "8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m." schedule and focus on something more important to them, e.g. writing a book, creating art or starting a new business. "Whatever you want to do, do it" Dovova advises fish. "This year, such creation is favorable to you, and you will present yourself to the world in a completely new light."

Each of the signs is waiting for something new in 2020. Regardless of what exactly it brings us, the goal of each of us is to recognizes opportunities as they arise and is open to new things to come.

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