
Cancer Horoscope 2022: What awaits Cancer in 2022!

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The most comprehensive horoscope for the astrological sign Cancer in 2022 brings a lot of interesting things. Cancer, 2022 will really be yours!

Horoscope 2022 portends changes to cancer. People born under the sign of Cancer often feel anxious when it comes to change, but as soon as they adapt to it, everything is fine. It is best to always be aware that not all changes are negative. Cancers have great things in store for their relationships, but only if they are open to new possibilities.

Planetary influences on Cancer in 2022

In 2022, Cancers must prepare for serious changesin your life, including your lifestyle and daily rhythm. Jupiter - the ruler of Cancer's house of work and health - transits your 8th house (intimacy, fears, debt, finance), along with Saturn, which means it's time to take a hard look at your eating habits, work schedule and personal schedule, so allow yourself time for soul searching and give up some habits that are not good for you or can cause Health issues.

During the period when Jupiter is in retrograde motion in your 9th house (June 20 - July 28), you should seek a second medical opinion. In any case, their ability to recover is good.

The first somewhat disturbing events, take place in January 2022 when Jupiter and Uranus form a tense planetary aspect. Then Saturn squares Uranus between February 6 and March 3, June 1-26 and December 16-24.

Regardless of all the problems, he will not leave you. Photo: Pablo Heimplatz / Unspalsh

This astrological context suggests that there could be problems with partnerships, or business partners, or complications with income, forcing you to change your plans for the future. If you want to change your future so that you can achieve your dreams, you must adopt different strategies of those you have.

The solar eclipse of June 2022 may make you more tired, but with the clear awareness that you need to rediscover yourself to a great extent and change your beliefs or your spiritual direction. As a result, you must take time to meditate and heal.

Love (love horoscope Cancer 2022)

The beginning of the year will be difficult for you because you will have the impression that your partner is pressuring you too much and suffocating you, so you will want more freedom due to the square of Saturn with Uranus. You will even think about leaving your partner.

In June, July and December, you will feel these pressures again and be prone to sudden reactions. Fortunately, it will be clear to you that the main cause is not your partner, but external circumstances. You will mostly have harmony in your relationship in March and September, when your partner will provide you with unconditional support!

Your partner will stand by you! Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

For singles, the beginning of 2022 brings problems in the field of love. It seemed like you would the person you want doesn't exist. Summer brings you stormy, tense and fleeting adventures that would be best avoided if possible. Only from the second half of September do you enter the period when you will meet someone who can be a suitable partner.

Career (career horoscope cancer 2022)

An extremely successful business year awaits you. Eventually you will rewarded for effort, that you invested in the business. If you've been waiting for the right moment to start a business, this is a good year to do so. If you dreamed of being in a leadership position, your dream could come true in December. Saturn will bring you in 2022 success in all that you undertake. In the middle of the year, you can expect a greater influx of money, which will perfectly complement your domestic budget.

Avoid large and risky investments. February brings you an improvement in relations with business partners. You will have a good sense of how to provide support where you need it. In the month of March, you will establish a stable business and stable income. Beware of suspicious people and offers of cooperation from people who do not inspire you in April.

Be patient. Everything will be ok. Photo: Max Vvo/Unsplash

In the month of May, you will benefit from introducing new methods into your way of working and you will have a good sense of cooperation. Mars will pass through your sign and strengthen your leadership skills, but it will also bring you a lot of burdens and responsibilities.

In June, you will due to a conflict of interest terminated the partnership. July will be a difficult month for you financially. The solar eclipse in December will bring you problems, this time is not the time for big projects.

Money (Financial Horoscope Cancer 2022)

At the beginning of the year, the financial situation will not be stable. The first three months of the year will be quite difficult, as you will have unplanned expenses that will complicate your financial situation. From April, however, the situation changes, as you will get monetary profits, which will be solve all your financial problems.

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