
Horoscope: Don't read this if you can't stand criticism

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

These are the darkest sides of the astrological signs. Astrology reveals what you have been hiding from others until now.

Astrologers claim that these are the worst traits of any astrological sign, and if you can't take criticism, skip this entry.


Selfish, poor planner.

Those born under the sign of Aries are astrological babies, so it is important that they always talk about themselves.
He is focused only on himself and does not listen to others. Don't be surprised when you ask him for his opinion on some important dilemma that is plaguing you, and he just gives you a blank stare.


Aries do not understand the concept of careful thinking, so they never plan ahead. He says whatever is on his mind, often before he thinks. They have a hard time controlling their anger and sometimes they don't understand what is wrong with you and why you are angry with them. They also think they are always right.


Lazy, stubborn, passive-aggressive.

Taurus generally likes to rest for a long time every day. So, he is lazy and wants to have as little work as possible. If someone else can do it, so much the better. He likes to do everything his way and never gives in, as he is very stubborn. But he will do it so sweetly that you won't even realize it.

And if you don't want to do something, be prepared for a passive-aggressive approach, they are masters at that. Taurus will behave very kindly, will smile calmly, and yet will not do what they should.


They easily betray secrets, changeable, superficial.

Gemini likes to talk a lot. If you have a secret, don't tell him unless you want the whole world to know about it. He has a quick mind, thinks and talks about several topics at the same time. This can confuse listeners.


It's very hard to follow and will be annoying if you have trouble with it. They are always in a hurry and work quickly, which sometimes gives them a headache because they are doing too many things at once. He'll also often tell white lies if you find out he's told a secret or something wrong because he just doesn't want to take responsibility for it.


Pathetic, sensitive to criticism, loves to get angry.

Cancer is kind and understanding. He will devote himself completely to you. He listens to your problems but expects the same from you. He does not take criticism well. If you want to give him advice and you think he is approaching the problem in the wrong way, choose your words carefully.


Never forget an insult. Also, never criticize his children and his loved ones. He can, you can't. He gets sick easily and needs a lot of rest. This is mainly because he is emotional and exhausting. His mood is changeable.


Selfish, stubborn, arrogant.

Leo acts very royal, but sometimes forgets that he is not actually from the royal family. He's always late. This can be annoying because your time is also valuable. He likes to perform in style as he is an absolute drama king.

He likes to throw parties, but usually after buying a new expensive toy or a room full of furniture. The party is really just an opportunity to show that. He likes to rest and thinks that others should take care of him and do most of the work for him.

He is very stubborn and never changes his mind. He likes to give advice to others and doesn't listen when others have a different opinion. It is difficult for him to understand that not everyone thinks like him and that not everyone will always agree with him.

A virgin

Obsessed with details, hypochondriac, perfectionist.

Virgo is an excellent speaker. He can talk all night. The problem is that he talks about very trivial things that can drive you crazy. They are intelligent and witty people, so they can be fun, but they just can't stop talking.

They tend to be hypochondriacs, they worry about chemicals and drug ingredients. Every day they will have some symptom from palpitation, heavy breathing, etc. He often talks about things that need to be done rather than simply doing them.


Some Virgos can seem petty. They are always very smartly dressed, in the work environment every document must be perfect, every folder organized and every paper in its place. They insist on a neat and clean environment.


Passive-aggressive, vain, irresponsible with money.

Those born under this sign want to have a comfortable life. They want their days to run smoothly. A sense of balance is very important to them. They want to fit in and be liked, so they sometimes fall under the influence of others.

They will flirt with those they think are beautiful. He knows how to manipulate. He believes that he deserves the best and has no limits when it comes to spending. She gets very upset if you disagree with her and may accuse you of being "rude" just for expressing a different opinion. They really like to stand out.


Super stubborn, competitive, secretive.

Determination is their middle name. They are very competitive, although it may not seem so at first glance. They are usually mysterious and have a distinctly dark side. In love relationships, they are possessive and jealous.


When they are interested in a topic, they will research it to find out every detail. That is why many of them are researchers. In conversation, they are very reserved, but gentle. They are individuals and she doesn't care what others think. They live life on their own terms.


Tactless, clumsy, overly optimistic.

There are two types of people born under the sign of Sagittarius, talkative and very quiet. They are all intelligent and interested in higher education, philosophy, different cultures...

When they speak, they are very direct and get straight to the point, sometimes not realizing that they are hurting other people's feelings.. They are almost boring optimists. It is very likely that you will be scammed.

Sagittarians are great at philosophical discussions with others and can hardly stand when others have different points of view. They are freedom-loving and will not like it if anyone tries to limit their activities or freedom.


Ambitious, workaholic, complicated.

Capricorns are generally serious and will not appreciate you joking about something that is important to them. They are very ambitious and strive to move up the social ladder, so don't be offended if your Capricorn friend ignores you because they need to hang out with someone who can help them with that. He just wants to get ahead.


Capricorn is a workaholic and does not like to be spontaneous. He does not like to take risks unless he has calculated everything well. Regardless, he is emotional, but does not like public displays of emotion. They always think ahead and want to be in charge.


Boring, dislikes rules, seemingly cold and indifferent.

Aquarius always lives life their own way, they don't listen, they don't obey established conventions, and if you try to tell them that, they will behave even worse just to get on your nerves. They love attention and usually live in the future.

If you don't like to try new things and take risks, Aquarius will have a hard time understanding you. He thinks the rules only apply to others. He needs a lot of freedom. They are stubborn, but because they enjoy freedom a lot, they understand when others want to do things their way. Aquarius has unusual friends from all walks of life. At first glance, it can seem cold and indifferent.


Dreamy, poor judgment, malleable.

They are the most complex sign in astrology. Pisces understands most of what someone entrusts to them. But being dreamers, they don't really give good advice.


They are flexible, they are followers, not leaders. They are restless and get bored quickly, so they often start new projects, which are then quickly abandoned. They are very kind, but they must be careful not to be taken advantage of by others. They are often deceived because they want to help others.

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