
Horoscope: How to end a relationship according to your partner's astrological sign

Photo: envato

Don't know how to break up with someone? Don't want to be hurt? Do you want to stay friends? A breakup is difficult and unpleasant, and it may be worse when you want to end a relationship than when you are abandoned.

If you are about to break up, here are some tips for you. How to deal with people born in a particular astrological sign.

In any case, be respectful.


Aries has strong emotions and rejection is difficult for him, so you need to talk to him in strict privacy. In the most calm and gentle way - without resentment and arguments, with dignity and in silence. He might react violently, say something inappropriate and unreasonable and slam the door. However, it is important that this happens without witnesses, because he would not be able to endure such humiliation.



When you want to break up with a bull, be direct, honest and kind. He will appreciate your approach, in his own reasonable and practical way, because he has this attitude towards everything, including emotions. Tell him your reasons and don't ask him to return gifts or share common funds because he will be offended.


Get ready for long exhausting conversations, that is, listening to the monologue of offended twins who will not accept your decision so easily. They will tire you out with alternating jealous and angry outbursts and kindness and reconciliation. It takes time for them to realize that the end is over. And once they accept that, they will quickly recover from the breakup and may even remain your friends.



A breakup will deeply affect the sensitive soul of Cancer, and it is up to you to prepare for it. Tell him everything honestly and be prepared for drama, tears, refusal to speak. And when you say what you mean. Go away. Cancer needs to be alone for a while to process what happened, and then it takes a long time to recover


Behind a proud and arrogant appearance, lions hide their sensitivity and fragility, although they will try to hide it. They may try to convince you with reasonable arguments that you are wrong, because a lion does not accept defeat without a fight. His style moves will probably follow, but if you know what you want, don't let it sway you.


A virgin

When breaking up with a Virgo, be direct, clear and precise, state your reasons calmly and clearly. Virgo does not like to show feelings, and in this case, she may not be able to control herself. The breakup will hit her hard, especially if she doesn't notice what's brewing. You can also expect revenge, in a moment she will tell everything about which she has been politely silent until now.


Members of this sign hate conflicts and arguments, so you will be able to part easily and culturally if you behave well. Take them to a nice place, for a drink, a conversation. Tell them why it's better to break up and give each other a chance to meet their soul mate and be happy. Libra will not break, it will reasonably accept your arguments and will be nervous about the change. Tell her it's nobody's fault, you're just too different - don't criticize her.



It's not easy to break bad news to a Scorpio. They will try to act cool like they don't care. Do it in complete privacy and be honest, firm and simple. Don't let them take you to bed (to say goodbye) because you'll lose control and be tempted to give in to them again.


Sagittarius is not afraid of challenges, changes and adventures, so things are likely to go smoothly, without drama. Be direct and don't complicate things. He may react offended because his ego is bruised, so he may be uncomfortable, but he will recover and you may remain friends. Sagittarians understand people well until they are personally hurt, then they are self-centered and exclusive.


Quickly and efficiently finish everything you have in common, return their things to them immediately and do not be influenced by their pessimistic energy that they will show on this occasion. They don't forgive easily.



You can break up with an Aquarius at a distance, via text, it won't bother them much. People born under this sign cannot cope with strong feelings, it exhausts them, so it suits them to end everything in sterile conditions. They are not interested in your reasons and explanations either, they look at the bottom line, accept the new situation and move on.


Pisces need a little more time to process new information and will reconsider your decision. They won't tell you anything, not because they have nothing to say, but because they are deeply shaken and need to pull themselves together and come to their senses. No matter how emotional and sensitive she is, a person of this sign will not want to be with someone who does not want her, so she will accept the breakup calmly.

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