
Horoscope: The Most Chatty Astrological Signs

Photo: Envato

We are interesting people, we are so different at times that sometimes you wonder if we are even from the same planet. Some you just can't turn off, while others wisely keep quiet and watch. Each of them is special in its own way.

Let's see who is the biggest chatterbox among the astrological signs? And, who among them is the most silent and wise?

The signs are classified from the most chatty, i.e. those who don't let anyone have a word, to those who speak little and observe the world around them more, and those who know how to talk but also listen.

1. Twins

This is an air sign ruled by Mercury, which means that Gemini simply cannot be quiet, it is stronger than them, they have to talk and talk. It is like breathing for them, and because they have a quick mind, they are able to jump from topic to topic until exhaustion if they meet someone who is willing to listen.

Members of this sign will discuss the topic widely, even if they know nothing about it. They are very open, sociable and easily start conversations.

2. Aries

Aries has no boundaries when it comes to conversation. Although they don't chat as long as twins, they are very intrusive. They always have something to say - and it doesn't matter if no one is interested in that topic. When people born under this fire sign are about to say something, make sure no one is going to stop them.

They also know how to raise their voice just to prove a point, and the debate doesn't end until the other side surrenders and stops contradicting them.

3. Sagittarius

They are sincere, enthusiastic and direct, and are happy to talk for hours on their favorite topics, of which there are hundreds. Members of this sign are excellent teachers. Sometimes they have to be made to stop and be quiet for a moment because they get carried away and become tense and don't realize it.


The best way to silence a Sagittarius is to give him a new book or offer him a topic that he knows nothing about and would like to learn something new - because this is an opportunity for him to expand the scope of what he will tell others.

4. Fish

Pisces is one of the most emotionally aware signs and would be happiest if people could read each other and know what's in their hearts without putting it into words. But many people are not very empathic, so talking is mostly the only way to express emotions.


Members of this sign are very emotional and if you give them a chance, they will tell you all about it. Then the conversation will continue by turning to your emotional state.

5. Leo

For lions, everything is a game, theatricality, playing under the spotlight. They tend not to talk so much as to improvise, and this sometimes requires a lot of storytelling. They enjoy a conversation when they see that everyone is listening to them enthusiastically, they like to argue and be right, they like to be the center of attention.

When they start talking, it's better not to interrupt them - then they are able to prolong the conversation even more, because they have to scold you for interrupting and explain why it can't be done. But even though their story may take some time, in the end they give the interlocutor a chance to say something.

6. Aquarius

Aquarius is another air sign that likes to attract the attention of those around them, and they especially enjoy when the conversation is about big world problems, then they really have something to say. In private life, they are the same - they just can't help themselves, they have to have presentations.


Before starting to talk about something widely, members of this sign study the topic well and research all the details. Then they make sure everyone hears and understands what it's about.

7. Libra

Libras can be very polite speakers, but they also know when to listen to others. People of this sign are called by astrologers the 'negotiators of the zodiac' because they like balance in all aspects of life, which makes them excellent conversationalists.

They have a lot to say. They are interested in various topics and like to talk about them in an interesting, even slightly educational way. He will gladly listen to the other side and learn something new.

8. Virgo

Mercury is the ruling planet of people born under this sign, so they always have a lot on their minds. They can be somewhat neurotic and anxious by nature, so they don't always feel brave enough to speak up.


But if they notice that something is wrong, rest assured that they will have no problem talking about it and explaining it at length. Virgos have exceptional analytical skills and give constructive criticism.

9. Taurus

Superficial conversations, stupid jokes and vulgarity are something that bulls can't stand and don't want to talk about, but that's why they can talk for hours on their favorite topics, about art, history, nature, technical things.

Taurus enjoys physical pleasures the most, so they prefer to spend time on it rather than talking about it.

10. Cancer

Cancers love their privacy very much, so they keep their thoughts as a treasure and do not share them with everyone. They appreciate people who really understand them and are ready to talk with them about ticklish intimate things.


But they don't easily accept people into their inner circle of 'chosen ones', but first you have to earn their trust, and that can take time. But once you earn that honor, you'll listen to anyone and everyone, especially what's going on in their heart and mind.

11. Capricorn

Members of this sign are too busy with work to waste time on any nonsense talk. They have no problem running a long business meeting or presenting a productivity report at work, but if they have nothing to say - why talk?


Capricorns may even be better at expressing themselves in writing than verbally. When they have time to choose their words carefully, to think about them well, they are able to express their opinion very effectively.

12. Scorpio

Scorpios know this - the more they listen, the more they learn. They are wisely silent and observe the people around them. While everyone else is revealing their secrets, Scorpios are quietly recording and memorizing them because they can use this information later, but they don't have to.

They believe that there is no harm in knowing as many details as possible about other people. Members of this sign rarely say anything impulsively. They generally weigh each word well so that when it is spoken, it has the optimal effect.

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