
Horoscope Pisces 2022: What awaits Pisces in 2022!

Photo: Vladimir Fedotov / Unsplash

The most comprehensive horoscope for the astrological sign of fish in 2022 brings a lot of interesting things. Pisces, your year 2022 will be a peaceful year!

Pisces Horoscope for 2022 it will be very favorable to fish. Do not rush into decisions, but think carefully about whether you actually want to change yourself or everyone around you. You won't have problems with money, so you can finally relax.

Planetary influences on fish in 2022

It becomes clear to many Pisces in 2022 that, more than ever before, they need to come together, adjust to their own values and some older goals or dreams that they may have lost along the way or abandoned for whatever reason.

Jupiter and Saturn transit your 12th house (unconditional love) and help you restore your inner balance and redefine the direction you take in life according to your deepest spiritual beliefs. Saturn's transit through your 12th house is all the more important because Pisces often gets lost in long-term dreams, ideals, and avoids reality.

Since Saturn is the ruler of the 11th house Pisces you take a time to search, think and consider. During 2022, Uranus - ruler of 12th house Pisces - makes tense aspects with Jupiter and Saturn, indicating that you could be faced with unusual events or situations that are designed to test some of your older or outdated ideas to get you out of the zone comforts and prepares you to face a reality that you can no longer deny.

Sometimes you can feel vulnerable and you see enemies even where there are none. On the other hand, you might conclude that your worst enemies are your own ideas and beliefs.

Seeking forgiveness is not a sign of weakness; on the contrary, it is a sign of inner strength, a gesture that can accelerate healing and help you achieve peace of mind more quickly.

Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. Photo: Timur Romanov / Unsplash

Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, passes through your sign for a short time (5/14-7/28) and then moves into Pisces on 12/29/2022, where it will stay until May 2022. This transit opens you up for the long term. new perspectives and helps you become more optimistic in discovering the motivation you need to persevere and the reality of overcoming the difficulties you have been facing lately.

Love (love horoscope Pisces 2022)

The stars are predicting for you luck in love. You will have it most from February 25 to March 20, when Venus is in Pisces. Neptune in Pisces (all year) will have a big impact on your personal life, including your family life. You may struggle to stay true to yourself this year. In some cases, it may be your family that is causing your internal conflicts. If you can, try to show your true self to your family.

The beginning of the year, especially February, brings you disagreements due to the secrets you and your partner have in your relationship, which you will have to explain to each other. Things you have kept quiet about for a long time can seriously undermine your mutual trust.

Love will be on your side! Photo: Jakob Owens / Unsplash

From March to the end of May you will be able to overcome these difficulties and improved life together. During July, you will encounter disagreements in family relationships, as well as misunderstandings in relationships with a loved one. From August to the end of September, harmonious moments together await you. October brings you tensions over shared finances. A calmer period awaits you until the end of the year.

If you are single in January and February you will be attracted to a person who is not free and will hint at a secret relationship. You'll agree, but you'll soon realize it was the wrong decision and end the relationship by mid-April. In June, you will meet a person with whom you had an emotional relationship a few years ago and you will try again, but it will be short-lived. In mid-August, a person will enter your life whom you will experience as a soulmate and with whom you will build a harmonious relationship full of love and support.

Career (career horoscope pisces 2022)

If your current job is stifling your creativity, spring is the time to change it. You will have the opportunity to start doing something completely different, you can expect much higher earnings. Although this year you will not have financial problems, it would be good for you to start saving, as this will come in handy when you fall into a minor crisis at the end of 2022.

If you are planning a vacation, first solve all problems at work, otherwise you will not be able to fully relax. If you do not have a job, be sure to accept an offer in a private company. Although it will be difficult at first, you will have a lot of success later on. At the beginning of winter, expect a greater influx of money, which will come to you just when you need it most. The period is ideal for starting your own company.

The year 2022 will be really favorable to you. Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Jupiter will enter your sign in mid-May and will bring you many advantages to excel in what you are an expert in, which will bring you recognition and career advancement.

In June and July, Mars and Venus will make a T-square with Saturn and Uranus, which will bring you strained relationships with colleagues at work. At the end of July, Jupiter returns retrograde to the sign of Aquarius, opening up opportunities for you to catch up on what you were forced to put off until the end of the year.

Money (Financial Horoscope Pisces 2022)

In the next year, finances will not be a problem for you, because you will really have a lot of money. February will be stable, but the real surprise comes with March.

Health (health horoscope Pisces 2022)

In 2022, it is best to pay the most attention to your physical health. You will probably have to do things that will make your physical body very tired. For this reason, it is best to often exercise and don't forget about proper nutrition. This is also a great year to try a body cleansing detox. Do not plan a diet due to pressure from others.

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