
Horoscope: These two signs are very special! But why?

Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

Have you ever wondered which of the astrological signs has the most births? And which has the fewest members? Maybe you are among them? If, then you are special, there is only one such sign. Just which one?

Tip People are rarely born into a sign known for their ambition and enterprise, a sign that stands firmly on the ground and is not prone to daydreaming. Do you already know which one?

Capricorns they are considered the rarest astrological sign, since according to the data, the least number of birthdays are celebrated on December 25 and January 1, that is, on Christmas and New Year, and these dates are the dates of Capricorns, whose rule lasts from December 22 to January 20.


study, conducted by Smithsonian Magazine showed that most people are born between June and November, which means that most babies are conceived in December, January and other cold months. This makes sense, since we are more at home in the winter, and snuggling under the covers is a favorite activity of many couples.

In contrast to Capricorn, the most common astrological sign is a member of the water signs, which are characterized above all by strong emotions.


It is mysterious scorpion. This also makes sense given the fact that anyone conceived at the end of the Goat's rule is likely to be born at the end of October, at the height of the Scorpio's rule, which runs from October 23rd to November 21st.

If we go back nine months, we'll come to the period around Valentine's Day - what does that tell you?

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