
Horoscope: What the Solar and Lunar Eclipses Bring You This Spring (2022)

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Check out what the solar and lunar eclipses bring you and which days you should be a little more careful! The energy of the Moon and the Sun influence a person's mood, energy, decision-making, and this influence intensifies during eclipses.

Astrologers warn that two eclipses await us in the spring.

On April 30, a partial solar eclipse awaits us in the sign of Taurus

The sign of the bull is connected with the material sphere and with the house. This means that something unexpected may happen in your home environment on April 30. It's not about quarrels, but about, say, errors in technology and electronics. It is possible that you will have problems with material things, breaking, maybe something will break and the like. This will replace the old energy with the new.

It is forbidden to repair things on this day. On the morning of April 30, you should not work too much and correct your mistakes. It's better to rest, maybe take a walk.

It's a day for relaxing bath, being in nature and connecting with thoughts.

Follow – yourself. Photo: Austin Schmid/Unsplash

Taurus is also partially associated with money, so be there on April 30 careful handling of money.

The total lunar eclipse on May 16 will be ruled by Scorpio

It will be a very busy day that you will have problems with intuition. The first thing to remember is to make time for yourself. If your sixth sense is telling you that you need to do something, think before you take any big step. Weigh all the pros and cons and only then proceed with the implementation of the plans.

It will also be a day of jealousy. If you have even a shred of doubt about whether to trust your soul mate, on May 16, examine those doubts carefully before you do anything. Do not accuse without solid evidence of infidelity.

In addition, astrologers advise that on May 16 avoid conflicts. If you start an argument or hold grudges on this day, you can negatively change some relationships and have a negative impact on them. Don't show anger, don't hold grudges and avoid contact with toxic people.

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