
Horoscope: Why is it so hard for you to love yourself?

Photo: Seth Doyle/Unsplash

Although everyone thinks that you put yourself first because you are confident and act like you know what you want, many times behind the mask lies insecurity and a lack of self-love.

We all need to get to know ourselves, outside of the framework set by society, to understand and accept our shortcomings and see our values. We must learn to be who we are and love ourselves. It's not easy.

On this path, we set many obstacles for ourselves and what kind of obstacles you create for yourself according to your astrological sign.


It might seem funny to most people around you that you've ever doubted yourself and lacked confidence, because you're usually full of energy and know what you want (and how to impose it on others). However, you constantly compare yourself to others - your competitive spirit "measures" everyone around you and compares them to your own achievements. To your detriment, of course. No matter how hard it is for others, you will always find something that they are better at than you - maybe they recovered faster from a breakup, maybe they have less family problems or earn more money (so you think they are easier to solve all the problems). So, to get closer to yourself, evaluate your achievements against yourself and don't compare yourself to others.


You feel that you can only make love when everything is safe and stable - and that rarely happens. You like to make everyone around you happy, and you do your best to make that happen. Because of this, you don't see that sometimes you overdo the control of everything around you, and that others resist your efforts. It is hard for you to accept that you are not always right and that sometimes you have to give up and step back. Regardless, you're still awesome!

Always love each other! Photo: Jeison Higuita/Unsplash


You think you have to have all the answers, and since this is far from possible, you are often frustrated and consider yourself not intelligent enough. Focus on what you don't know, what you can't have, and what you don't have. Because of this, you don't see how much your open mind allows you to constantly learn and achieve. You will never find all the answers and solve all the problems so that you can relax, rest and enjoy peace of mind and complacency. Life doesn't work like that. Accept and focus on what you can do and what is achievable.


It's impossible to love yourself if you don't have a constant flow of love from others - your partner, friends, family. If you do not feel the influx of their love, support and attention, you become desperate and wonder what is wrong with you. The greatest lesson and challenge for you is to direct the energy you direct into relationships, the love and attention you give to others and long for—into yourself. Build a relationship with yourself and nurture it just as you nurture all your emotional relationships.


You need everything to be loved. To love yourself, you need confirmation that you are fantastic, excellent, smart, good, noble, witty, exceptional in every way, and that everyone around you loves and respects you. Of course, you do your best to get this confirmation. You are the center of your world, but the world does not revolve around you (everyone is the center of their own world) and it is not necessary for everyone to like you.
You can't force those who don't like you to love you, but at the same time, you can't make them your enemies. Continue to grow personally – for yourself, not for the approval and submission of others.

Everyone is the center of their own world. Photo: Ariana Prestes / Unspalsh

A virgin

One word – perfectionism. You analyze, connect, assume so much that no one is your equal. Your standards are so high that you often fall short of them. You think about what you haven't achieved, what you haven't done. All that self-criticism can make the difference between a 9 and a 10 in college. People celebrate when they get a 9, they are proud. You sad that wasn't a ten. Not for recognition and status, but for your own vision of the best version of yourself. You need to realize that you are great and appreciate yourself even though you are not perfect.


You don't know how to defend yourself when needed. Attacks intimidate you and you prefer to withdraw rather than engage in any kind of conflict. Keeping calm is the most important thing for you, but sometimes you need to stand up for yourself and set boundaries so that you don't constantly wonder. You always assume that what someone is telling you might be true and take a long time to think deeply about it. Do not consider yourself guilty of anything until proven otherwise. And don't be afraid to show everyone how awesome you are.


You have a magnetic appeal and many consider you an irresistible and interesting person - which you are. But what happens is that you go after those who do not show their admiration and do not cultivate your self-confidence. This puts you in a situation to build walls and protect your vulnerability – which is a requirement for an open and healthy relationship. Ask for validation from those from whom you will certainly not receive it, because they will never fully know, understand and appreciate you. Reject toxic people and connect with the right people who will support and appreciate you.


You are never satisfied because you are constantly chasing something, the next success, the next goal, the next adventure. Time flies and you rarely stop to look around and see what you have because you're too busy chasing what you don't have, what you haven't conquered or tried. It's like you have no place to feel at peace. And that place is nowhere around you, but in your soul. Because of your hunger for love, experience, life, you are always hungry. You need to face yourself and ask yourself if you are chasing new experiences while running away from yourself. You have to learn to enjoy it, without additional challenges.

Be your own best adventure. Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash


You expect too much of yourself and your standards are very high. You constantly push yourself to the next step, work hard and never relax. People often tell you to rest and relax and not take things so seriously, not be so hard on yourself (and them). You may not even understand what they are telling you because they want you to be more like them, and by your standards that is far from successful and satisfying. They would like others to raise their standards and expectations of themselves, and they would like you to "loosen up" yours a little. You have to understand that it's not just about success and status, you have to meet your loved ones halfway. Learn to relax a little - it's especially important to love yourself when you're not feeling well.


Usually, the fact that you are not like others, that you are completely unique, unconventional, special, gives you a sense of superiority and self-confidence, but this can be a double-edged sword. One moment you are far above the others, the next you are unhappy because you don't fit in anywhere, nobody really knows or understands you and you wonder what is wrong with you. You're not easy to love, so it's not easy to love yourself, but your uniqueness is the reason others value you, so see through their eyes.


You try to take on more responsibilities than you can handle and base your assessment of your worth on how much you can help. Your empathy seems to have no limits, you are able to listen and understand everyone, all their struggles, fears, longings... Other people's problems are not yours and you cannot do for others what they have to do for themselves - not even for those closest to you. This is a hard lesson for you - you keep trying to help and you keep feeling like you're failing, but it's not your failure because it's not your job either. When you learn to set boundaries and shift the focus of responsibility onto yourself and your life, you will be happier.

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