
Horrible! Most serial killers are born in this month

Horrible! Most serial killers are born in this month

Using statistical analysis, researchers have checked whether the astrological belief that the celestial signs influence human behavior can really be believed - and they have found that the most serial killers are born in this month. Are you among them?

If you don't believe in astrology and certain findings of behavioral science, this time we have something for you statistical evidence. The latter showed that it was surprising a large number of serial killers born in November. And lo and behold, we recently entered November.

The month of November is darker than you might think.
The month of November is darker than you might think.

Research that years 2006 published Jan Ruis, using a detailed statistical analysis, checked whether the astrological belief that celestial signs influence human behavior, we really believe it.

Ruis focused on the question, In which month are the most serial killers born?. He found that it was 17 from slightly more than 100 murderers saw the light of day for the first time in November. During the rest of the year, there were births on average 9 of murderers monthly. People born in November are otherwise considered extremely pessimistic.

Most serial killers are born in November.
Most serial killers are born in November.

We suggest that you do not pay too much attention to the research. We are sure that your friends born in November do not have bad intentions.

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