
Giveaway: hot giveaway because you can be passionate at any time

Durex prize draw

Peeled Valentine's attention is no longer enough. It's no surprise that Valentine's Day has become boring for many couples. A new survey by Durex found that almost half (49 percent) of couples never look forward to it, and as many as 40 percent of respondents said that Valentine's Day is too much of a cliché. And what did we do to get rid of the boring routine? Apparently, not very much. Although 64 percent of couples do not look forward to February 14, mainly because of its commercialization, a quarter of them still plan a classic romantic dinner for two, and a fifth of them plan to buy flowers. Entering our Durex giveaway will make your Valentine's the hottest yet!

Durex Sex and Relationship Expert, Alix Fox, says that it is easy to get stuck in the habit of congratulations and chocolates: ”February 14th should be the most romantic day of the year, but it can very quickly turn into 24 hours of predictable disappointment. New research from Durex has shown that you are a third of couples want more spontaneity in their relationship – so why not make sure that this time they are wandering in trashy clichés and not wilted Valentine's flowers! A third of the participants want to try something new and at the same time spend more quality time at home with their partner. This presents the perfect opportunity to explore in the bedroom – which only 15 percent of respondents are currently planning for Valentine's Day! Durex has released a guide with new and fresh ideas to help you replace the stereotypical Valentine's Day ideas and turn February 14 into an unforgettable day.”

Spice up this year's Valentine's Day with Durex products.
Spice up this year's Valentine's Day with Durex products.

”So why not give up greeting cards and bonboniere and rather use your imagination? This way you will create your own mischief! You can start by buying a box of thirty individually wrapped tea bags and writing a small message on each one. Thus, for your partner, every day in the next month will start with a warm cup of tea and lovely messages. Or replace the small crosses at the bottom of the love message with big X's and use them to mark special places in your home where you want your partner to passionately kiss or take you.

READ MORE: Verses for Valentine's Day

So? Because a third of respondents (28 percent) want more passion this Valentine's Day and as many as a fifth (20 percent) of people would be happy if they received a Valentine's Day gift sexy underwear or a sex toy, take your luck into your own hands and take care of awakening your passion a little differently. For inspiration, tips and suggestions on how to make Valentine's Day unforgettable, visit durex-slovenia.si, for award, this 3X Durex pack, answer our questions prize question and with any luck, the hot set will be yours.

Prize question:

What we use Durex products for:
a.) For safe use of the Internet
b.) For safe and fun games between the sheets
c.) To open the door

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