
An unusual Tokyo hotel for 9 hours

What will the hotel look like in the future? What will our habits be? Will these change over time? Perhaps Tokyo's 9 Hours Hotel offers us the answer.

Statistics have shown that the average time spent by business tourists in a hotel is 8 to 10 hours. Hotel 9 Hours in Tokyo comes from exactly this statistic. Their concept is actually a simple equation: 1 hour shower + 7 hours sleep + 1 hour rest = 9 hours.

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Concept-equation: 1 hour shower + 7 hours sleep + 1 hour rest = 9 hours.
Concept-equation: 1 hour shower + 7 hours sleep + 1 hour rest = 9 hours.

As long as you like to be molded and time frames do not affect you badly, you would know how to fall in love with the mentioned hotel. In the hotel, which was designed by the Japanese design studio S, we can rent a room for exactly 9 hours. 125 units, rooms divided into men's and women's, offer guests extremely small "rooms", minimalistically designed. The futuristic hotel is located in the Tokyo area Gion, which is visited daily by many tourists and businessmen.

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