
Hotella Nutella: a hotel dedicated to Nutella opens

At Ferrer, they decided to open the first pop-up hotel dedicated to Nutella. Perfect!

You read that right! A pop-up hotel is opening soon in Napa Valley, USA Hotel Nutella, which is dedicated from a to z to the delicious hazelnut spread. So it will be full of details in shape of the famous pot of Nutella, but of course guests will have the opportunity to taste Nutella wherever they wish. That way, for example, it will always be available on the bedside table.

Wanted Nutella
Wanted Nutella

For this purpose, Ferrero has prepared a special prize game, as part of which three prize winners will spend the weekend (from 10 to 12 January 2020) in a dream hotel and, among other things, had the opportunity to enjoy breakfast, where the main star will be the one and only... Nutella. All who wish to participate must submit minute video, in which they have to show their love for hazelnut spread, express their passion, originality and explain what Nutella means to them for breakfast.

Hotel Nutella
Hotel Nutella
The only downside to this sweet story is that they can sign up US residents only. We firmly, firmly keep our fingers crossed that such a hotel will soon open in Europe as well.

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