
Housing units for the homeless that will be printed with 3D printers

Housing units for the homeless that will be printed with 3D printers.

Those of us who have a roof over our heads can't even imagine what it's like to be without this comfort we take for granted. Homeless people, each with their own unique story, have a lot to say about it. Recently, the number of homeless people in New York has increased significantly, it is even estimated that it has reached the numbers from more than 80 years ago, when the worst economic depression hit. But someone tackled this problem.

In a creative agency Framlab of New York, where every night in as many as 61,000 people spend the night in shelters, and the facilities are fully occupied, they embarked on a mission. With the help of modern technology, they want to eliminate homelessness and enable those who are homeless to have a decent stay. They named the project Homed. They want to build small neighborhoods, which they consist of hexagonal housing units, which would printed with 3D technology.

Housing units for the homeless to be printed by 3D printers
Housing units for the homeless that will be printed with 3D printers.

Units could be placed next to the empty walls of already standing buildings, so that the wrinkles would take up a little space. The exterior consists of oxidized aluminum linings, and inside you will find a bed, a desk, a bathroom and more and more. These are modular units that you can assemble and equip as you wish. The wall that consists of 95 residential units and measure 15 × 21 meters, can be set up in just a few days. The interior of the 3D unit will be printed from recycled bioplastic materials and thereby ensure that the environment is as little burdened as possible.

Modern technology and its benefits, huh?

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