
How does a dog choose its favorite person?

Photo: envato

Does a dog really choose its favorite person? If you've ever had a dog, then you know that some dogs bond with some people more quickly than others. It often happens that the dog chooses one person to whom it pays more attention and approaches, while it treats the other persons more coldly or even ignores them. Are you wondering why this is happening?

How are you a dog choose your favorite person? What does it depend on? Maybe it depends on the breed, gender, age or our behavior?

Emotional connection

Dogs are emotional creatures that have a strong desire to connect and bond with others. One of the main reasons why a dog can become particularly attached to a certain person is that it has the most emotional connection with that person. It may be the person who is with him most of the time, or it may be someone who gave him the most attention and love when he was a puppy.

How does a dog choose a favorite person?
May he always be with you. Photo: Bruno Cervera / Unsplash


If your dog prefers a certain person over others, the activities you do with him can also play an important role. If your dog is active and enjoys long walks, runs or joint activities, he can become attached to the person who offers him such activities. Or a person who devotes himself to other activities that the dog likes.

Positive experiences

Dogs are very smart animals and have a good ability to remember positive and negative experiences. If you or any other person in the past encouraged the dog, offered him warmth and love, and provided him with comfort, he will become more attached to you than to others. Dogs can also bond with a person who helped them in difficult times when they were injured or sick.

Negative experiences

Negative experiences can also have the opposite effect. If your dog has had a history of abuse or mistreatment when it comes into your home, it may be afraid of people. Or he will become attached to the one person who provided him with security.

Gender and age

A person's gender and age can also affect how a dog bonds with them. For example, if your dog is female, he may bond more with a female person because he can more easily identify with his gender.

Dogs choose the person who deals with him. Photo: Roberto Nickson/Unsplash

The same goes for men. Age can play a role, as younger dogs may bond more easily with younger people as they have similar energy and playfulness, while older dogs may bond more with older people as they need more rest and calm.


Smell can be a very important factor in how a dog bonds with a person. Dogs have an extremely good sense of smell and can detect a person's scent even if the person is no longer present. If you or another person fed your dog, groomed him or spent time together, your scent will be imprinted on his memory.

Way of doing things

The way we treat a dog can affect how it does a dog attached to us. If the person is kind and gentle, the dog is more likely to bond with them than with the person who treats them roughly. Talking to him in a calm manner and encouraging him with positive energy can also help.

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