
How do you know a man has a broken heart?

Photo: Unsplash / Quinten de Graaf

A relationship with a man who has a broken heart can be very difficult. This is also why it is important to recognize the symptoms and understand him and help him. Even men can have a broken heart! And if he does that, you have to help him!

Men often show their emotions a little more covertly due to social norms. They don't talk about them like women do and because of that they hide their broken hearts. But if you are his new girlfriend, it is good to recognize such a man - a man who can be anything but what he really is because of his heart.

5 signs that a man has a broken heart:

Body language

It's harder to match body language to the truth than what you say with words. If a man waves his hands a lot, forces a smile, stands depressed, ... there is a high probability that he something bothers you. It is not necessary that he will want to talk about his problems .. and that too must be respected. However, in such moments it is extremely important if you at least offer him a safe environment where he can come and confess if he feels like it.

He closes in on himself.
He closes in on himself.

He closes in on himself.

If the man it completely closes in on itself and pretends nothing is wrong, v but he just went through some difficult things in his life, there's a good chance he's actually suffering quite a bit.

He pretends everything is fine.

A man who has just lost a significant other, is grieving – even if he doesn't show it. If he pretends that everything is fine, at the same time, he actively avoids talking about the difficult situation, defense mechanisms may be at work. There's nothing wrong with that, but this kind of behavior is it's not healthy in the long run – one day he will have to face the loss and regret it.

He avoids people who are close to him.
He avoids people who are close to him.

He falls into bad habits.

If you are not in touch with yourself, when you are sad and suffering, this energy is likely to manifest in other areas of your life - and one possible way is through behavior. If a man falls into bad habits that lead him into a vicious circle, when he experiences brief moments of redemption, then he feels guilty, and then he is again looking for quick solutions from his pain, something honestly hurts him.

He avoids people who are close to him.

It is more difficult to lie to a man who knows you well than to himself. If a man has a broken heart and deals with it can't face, it can happen, it will happen avoided people close to him. And it is precisely these persons who will first notice that something is wrong and they will faced with it.

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