
How do you know you have amazing chemistry?

Love is a disease - because chemistry has its fingers next to it!

Photo: envato

When chemistry happens between a man and a woman, we call it love sickness. The body experiences a flood of hormones and for a period it seems as if we are in a fairy tale or a movie. That's when you have real chemistry. You will be sick with love for a while! And how do you know that there really is the right chemistry between you?!

When you know that you can no longer live without someone, it is usually a sign that something special is happening between you. Of course, everything else must follow this basic chemistry. We have checked the most common points that show that the two of them will be able to build a real foundation from this chemistry.

Of course, love chemistry comes out of evolution. When you smell, you smell because of a flood of hormones in your body, and of course, this chemistry can be to blame for completely irrational behavior. With love chemistry, it is necessary to realize that it is really a disease. And that, like any cold, this one will pass. But real chemistry can be an excellent foundation for building a good partnership.

Chemistry she has no boundaries and is seemingly blind. In every relationship we start, we notice the presence or absence sparks. But the question is what is this feeling and how to find?

This is how you know that there is very, very strong chemistry between you...

1. Chemistry is not about looks.

Chemistry has nothing to do with looks.
Chemistry has nothing to do with looks.

Chemistry has nothing to do with person's appearance. Being with someone who is good looking to your taste, but there is no chemistry between you, it is devastating. Maybe you experience real chemistry with that person with whom you don't see yourself in a relationship. So chemistry does not discriminate!

2. Chemistry doesn't go away.

You've probably heard it from some old lady when she says that after after decades of marriage, he still feels butterflies in his stomach, when she sees her husband. This should also be your goal!

3. Likeability is not enough.

Appreciation is not enough if there is no chemistry between you.
Appreciation is not enough if there is no chemistry between you.

Even if the person is unfamiliar to you like it, it can happen that between you simply there is no chemistry. This may be a painful fact for some. It doesn't matter if the person has exactly those personality and physical characteristics, which you have always dreamed of, if you do not feel the sparks that bind you.

4. Chemistry is more than physical attraction.

Chemistry is not only desire for sex. When you feel chemistry between the two of you, you really want to spend as much time together as possible, but chemistry is not just about sex. Rather, the feeling that it would like to do almost everything with a loved one. Everything is easier and better when that special someone is with you.

5. Chemistry is the beginning.

Chemistry is the beginning of your journey.
Chemistry is the beginning of your journey.

Chemistry is just the beginning of what what will come. When you feel a strong chemistry between the two of you, you will not only want to keep it, but also develop it into relationship. When you reach this point, it's time to evolve respect, communications and of trust in a relationship. These things develop in a relationship simply when the two people feel it chemistry - but they realize that it's not worth giving up when the relationship doesn't flourish, because they know that between them chemistry that is still present.

It's chemistry absolutely necessary for a successful relationship. But it's worth it to wait that right person with whom you will experience butterflies in your stomach.

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