
What a beautiful world we live in!

That the world is full of beauty probably doesn't need to be explained in particular, does it? In all our haste, people seem to forget where we live. Take some time today to watch this wonderful video. Then look around you and feel the beauty of our Mother Earth. Don't worry, it will only take you 2 minutes.

If you need some encouragement to remember how our world is beautiful, then you must watch this video. Forget all the chores, all the stress, your smartphone and e-mail for a moment! Immerse yourself in the wonderful nature that, despite the bad treatment of it, still gives and gives. This one 2 minute video, which was created by to the BBC, reminds us of what we have and what we can lose.

READ MORE: Beautiful cartoons for those who seek beauty in life

Nature is our wealth.
Nature is our wealth.

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