
How can you burn more calories jumping on a seesaw than running?

Photo: envato

When we think of high-intensity cardio, running is often the first choice that comes to mind. But there is a simple exercise that can burn even more calories, improve your coordination, strengthen your entire body, and be fun at the same time. All you need is a swing and a pair of sneakers.

Seesaw jumping is not just a childhood game, it is one the most effective exercises to burn calories and improve general fitness.

In recent years, see-sawing has gained great popularity among athletes and recreationists for its simplicity and efficiency. You don't need expensive equipment or a lot of space - you can take the cradle anywhere and practice almost anywhere.

Plus, it's a workout that combines cardio, strength, and coordination into a single activity, making it extremely versatile.

Advantages of seesaw jumping

Jump rope. Photo: Home / Pexels

High calorie consumption

Jumping a seesaw can burn more calories than running in the same amount of time. On average, a person weighing 70 kg can burn about 372 calories in 30 minutes of swing jumping, while running at a moderate speed burns about 298 calories.

Improving cardiovascular health

Jumping with a see-saw is an excellent exercise for the cardiovascular system. It increases the heart rate, improves circulation and strengthens the heart muscle, which contributes to better fitness and endurance.

Simple training. Photo: Mart Production / Pexels

Muscle strengthening

This exercise not only strengthens the legs, but also the arms, shoulders and core. Constant movement requires coordination of the whole body, which contributes to balanced muscle development.

Improving coordination and skills

Jumping with a seesaw requires good coordination and balance. Regular exercise improves motor skills, which is beneficial for many other sports and everyday tasks.

Saving time

It's a high-intensity workout, which means you can achieve great results in a shorter amount of time. Ten minutes of intense see-saw jumping is equivalent to about thirty minutes of moderate jogging.

Forget running, the swing is in! Photo: Mastercowley / pexels

How to get started

Choose the right swing length based on your height. The cradle should reach your armpits when you stand on its midsection. Use comfortable sneakers that provide good support and cushioning.


Stand tall with your knees slightly bent. Hands should be at the sides, elbows close to the body. Operate the pendulum with your wrists, not your hands. Jump lightly, it's enough to just lift off the ground a little. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed. It's important to find a rhythm that works for you.


Before jumping, warm up with a few minutes of light jogging in place or dynamic stretching exercises. Try interval training, where you alternate periods of intense jumping (30 seconds) with periods of rest or slow jumping (30 seconds) for a total of 10-20 minutes. After your workout, cool down with a few minutes of walking and stretching exercises.

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