
How close we are to success, if only we overcome fear!


Fear lies and is often the last obstacle on the way to success, which is too difficult for many people. How to overcome fear is one of the key questions of humanity, but the fact is that fear is hollow, and there is nothing around it! He who does not buy a lottery ticket cannot hope to win the lottery, and he who does not try cannot hope for success. Watch a video that will change your outlook on life!

How to overcome fear? Where to find courage? Sometimes success is all that separates us from courage, and the video with meaningful music (a cover of Radiohead's Creep) is proof of how close we are to success if we don't let fear get the best of us.

READ MORE: The truth behind social media photos

Don't let fear rule your life. If you like a girl or boy, approach him/her. Conquer your fear. What do you have to lose? If you don't try, you may regret it for the rest of your life, but we learn from mistakes.

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