
How to clean the toilet with a toilet bomb: cleaning the toilet without scrubbing, which removes all bacteria

Toilet bomb

Photo: pexels / Karolina Grabowski

Have you ever thought that your toilet could shine without having to wear a protective suit as if you were entering a biohazardous area? Forget about aggressive chemicals that attack your airways like your grandmother's speckled nutmeg - the solution is simple and already waiting for you in the kitchen.

Cleaning the toilet usually not at the top of the list of life's pleasures. While we try to make our sanitary facilities put in order, we often resort to using caustic cleaners, which do not promise anything but shiny surfaces, but also an unexpected attack on our senses. But what if I told you that you can leave the dark side of strong cleaners and turn to the bright side of natural cleaning?


#cleantok 1TP10 Cleaning #aufräumenmotivation #cleaningmotivation #aufräumenundputzen #toilet #cleaningtiktok #haushaltstipp #reinigen #putzentipps #aufräumentipps #ordnungstipps #aufräumen #putzvideos #cleaningtips 1TP10Homecleaning #cleanwithme 1TP10 Twäschewaschen #cleaninghacks #lustig

♬ Originaltone – _putzmarie_

Natural cleaning of the kettle:

  1. Alcoholic vinegar as a base: Start by heating 200 ml of alcohol vinegar to about 40 degrees Celsius. No more tears from harsh cleaners, vinegar is here to save your nose and your toilet.
  2. Baking soda for extra strength: When the vinegar is warmer than your high school crush, mix in 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Get ready for a sizzling party that will wash away everything from dirt to past bad decisions.
  3. Leave overnight: Pour this magical potion into a kettle and let it work its magic while you sleep. Dream about a clean toilet because your dream will come true.

Making a homemade cleaning "bomb" for the toilet:

  1. Start with baking soda: Sprinkle it over the surface of the kettle like the first snow in December.
  2. Add liquid detergent: Then carefully pour the liquid detergent over the baking soda, as if you were adding toppings to your favorite dessert.
  3. Citric acid or white vinegar for finishing touches: This step will break down everything from limescale to your doubts about the effectiveness of natural cleaning.
  4. Activate with warm water: Pour the mixture over and watch the magic foam fight the dirt like a cat against a laser pointer.
  5. Let it work: Give the mix time to think about its actions while you deal with other worldly problems.
  6. Conclusion: Use the toilet brush for an even more thorough clean, then rinse and congratulate yourself. The toilet will shine, and you will win the fight against dirt, all without chemicals. Welcome to the future of cleaning!

DIY TOILET BOMBS 💣 Diese bombastic Mixture brings your Toilet again to glänzen: 1️⃣ Hot water 2️⃣ Natron against Germs 3️⃣ Spülmittel für anzättenchen Glanz 4️⃣ Soda against stubborn dirt 5️⃣ Reine Citronensäure against Kalk and Urinstein! 6️⃣ Heißes Wasser, aber nicht kochendes Wasser! Ab geht die Bombe! 💣 Lasse die Bombe einwirken und putze in der Zeit andere Stellen deiner Toilette. Scrub your toilette aus, abspülen, fertig! Probier es aus und schreib in die Kommentare ✍️ ✅️ Has die der Beitrag fallen? ✅️ markiere gerne deinen Buddy, der das unconditionally sehen muss ✅️ und speicher dir diesen Beitrag Deine Janina! #diy #diyputzmittel #cleanfluencer #cleaninghacks #toilet 1TP10 Barrel 1TP10 Teinfachhhaushalt 1TP10 Effective 1TP10Natron #zitronensäure #bad #badezimmerputzen 1TP10 Teuskirchen #köln #sauberkeit #ordnung

♬ Originaltone – Janina Reinhardt

Photo: pexels / Karolina Grabowski

Conclusion: practically no rubbing

Who would have thought that your next cleaning adventure would involve so little drama and so much efficiency? Say goodbye to chemicals you might use in a sci-fi movie to destroy space monsters, and say hello to natural solutions that are kind to you and the environment. Your toilet will shine and your lungs will thank you.

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