
How the same people look after one, two and three glasses of wine

How people behave after drinking a few glasses of wine in relation to their sober state.

We all know that alcohol affects our behavior and that under the influence of alcohol we do or say many things that we would otherwise keep to ourselves. Alcohol not only loosens our tongue, but because of drunkenness, our brakes loosen in general. How much, you can see for yourself in this series of photos showing the behavior of individuals after drinking one, two and three glasses of wine.

How do the same people look after one, two and three glasses of wine? We all know that each subsequent glass or bottle of alcohol affects our mood and behavior, and this is exactly what a Brazilian photographer captured on camera Marcos Alberti.

READ MORE: How do you behave when you leave the store without making a purchase?

There is truth in wine.
There is truth in wine.

All photos are genuine and produced spontaneously. The first photo was taken right after the people stepped in front of the lens and captures the situation after a tiring and stressful work day. All subsequent recordings reveal what happens to a person after each subsequent glass of wine.

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