
How do you know they're not on the same level and why is this guy going to hurt you?!

What does it mean to be on the same level?

Photo: Pexels / ksu-eli-studio

When we talk about relationship level, we mean emotional, mental and life alignment. This means that the partners have similar values, goals, interests and lifestyles. If you often feel like you're not on the same page, it can lead to frustration and misunderstandings.

Sometimes we fall in love with someone who completely charms us at first - but we soon realize that they are not on the same level. Although the initial chemistry is strong, eventually differences are revealed that can lead to disappointment and heartache. When we discover that our partner does not share the same values, goals or interest in the relationship, we begin to question the future of the relationship. In this article, we will explore the key signs that show that they are not compatible and the reasons why such a relationship will bring more suffering than happiness. From lack of communication to disproportionate effort, find out what you're in for if you stay in a relationship like this.

Photo: Pexels / ksu-eli-studio

Signs that they are not on the same level

1. Lack of communication

If they can't seem to openly communicate or express their feelings, this is often a sign of deeper issues. Communication is the key to understanding and solving relationship problems. If one of the partners is often silent or avoids conversations, this can lead to feelings of misunderstanding and isolation.

2. Different values and goals

When your life goals and values ​​don't match, it's hard to build a future together. This can include differences in views on career, family, financial goals and personal values. Although certain differences can be resolved through compromises, some core values ​​are more difficult to adapt.

3. Misaligned expectations

If you expect different things from a relationship, it will be difficult to find common ground. For example, if one wants a serious relationship and the other only wants a casual relationship, this will inevitably lead to problems. It is also important that both partners work hard for the relationship and invest time and energy to make it succeed​​.

Photo: Pexels / ksu-eli-studio

4. Emotional alienation

Although physical attraction can keep the spark alive at the beginning of a relationship, emotional connection is also necessary for a long-term relationship. If you feel emotionally alienated or have the feeling that your partner does not understand your feelings, this indicates serious problems.

5. Lack of trust

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you can't trust your partner or you have the feeling that he doesn't trust you, the relationship will be constantly questioned. Without trust, a solid and secure relationship cannot be built.

6. Different interests and hobbies

While you don't have to have all your interests in common, it's important to find common activities that you both enjoy. If you don't have anything in common, it can lead to a feeling of distance and a lack of shared experiences.

Photo: Pexels / ksu-eli-studio

7. Disproportionate investments in the relationship

If one partner puts significantly more effort into the relationship than the other, this will eventually lead to imbalance and dissatisfaction. All healthy relationships require mutual respect and equal investment.

Why is this boy going to hurt you?

1. Mismatch in expectations

If you have different expectations about the future, sooner or later it will lead to disappointment. One of the partners may want more than the other is willing to offer, leading to feelings of rejection and pain​​.

2. Emotional manipulation

If one partner is not emotionally involved or uses manipulative tactics to control the other, this will cause emotional pain. Emotional manipulation can include ignoring, belittling, or even passive-aggressive behavior​​.

3. Neglect

If your partner doesn't make an effort in the relationship or often lets you down when you need them most, it will lead to feelings of neglect and worthlessness. Everyone deserves a partner who respects them and is always there for them.

Photo: Pexels / ksu-eli-studio

4. Infidelity

If there are signs of infidelity or if the partner constantly flirts with others, this seriously threatens the trust in the relationship. Infidelity causes deep emotional wounds that are difficult to heal.

5. Lack of support

Everyone needs a partner to support them through difficult times. If your partner is not ready to be there for you when you need them, it will lead to feelings of loneliness and despair.


Recognizing the signs that they are not on the same level is key to avoiding hurt and disappointment. It is important to be honest with yourself and your partner and find a relationship based on mutual respect, trust and love.

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