
How do you know you're finally over your ex? Check out these 13 signs!

Photo: envato

Do you still remember those first days after the breakup when your ex was constantly on your mind? You were sure then that you would never be happy without him again. But eventually everything changes. You will get over your ex!

How do you know you're finally over your ex?

Relationships are like journeys, full of ups and downs that shape and change us. When the love story ends, can leave deep traces in our to the heart and the mind.

Many find themselves in a turmoil of emotions, not knowing when the pain will subside and the light at the end of the tunnel will appear.

But how do you know you're truly over your ex?

These are not just classic signs, such as the tears no longer flow when listening to your favorite song. It is about deeper changes inside you that show you are ready to step forward and start a new chapter in your life.

Here is 13 signs, which show that you are finally over your ex.

You will no longer follow his posts. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

1. Your ex is no longer constantly on your mind

Sometimes every little thing triggered memories of him. A song on the radio, a street you walked on together, or even a cloudy sky. But now weeks can go by without thinking about him. Your mind is yours again.

2. Meeting him in public is no longer terrifying

When you meet him by chance, you no longer feel the need to hide or run away. Instead, you only feel a slight tingling sensation, which is completely manageable.

3. Sexuality with others is no longer foreign or wrong

When you're in bed with someone else, you're no longer comparing bodies or techniques. It's sex that stands on its own.

4. You forget details from the relationship

Things that you thought were important and precious are now fading into oblivion. Time truly does heal all wounds.

5. Stop hating him

If you still feel hatred towards your ex, it means that you are still passionate about him. Once you get over it, you become neutral and respectful towards it. After all, he wasn't bad all the time - he sometimes brought you good luck.

6. You no longer pursue his online presence

You are no longer obsessed with checking his social media profiles or planning “random” meetings. It was tiring and now you don't want it anymore.

You will be happy again. Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

7. When he asks you out for coffee, you can say “no”

It may sound like a small victory, but it means a lot. You can finally say "no" and mean it.

8. You blocked his phone number

That's an even better sign that you're over it. No more temptations.

9. Don't be afraid to love anymore

After a breakup, love becomes something scary. But now you are open again to the possibility of loving someone.

10. You are honest about your relationship

After a breakup, you tend to idealize the relationship or see it as terrible. The truth is usually somewhere in between. Now you can honestly assess what your relationship meant.

11. Learn from mistakes

You avoid things that could throw you back into your memories. Protect yourself from things that could hurt you. You have learned how to avoid getting hurt again.

12. You stop comparing yourself to your ex

You no longer follow his life to see who "won" in the "who got over it faster" race. You know that would only hinder you.

13. You are happy for him and his new relationship

When you say you're happy for him and his new relationship, you pretty much mean it. Almost 90%. And that's great progress.

These signs can help you identify that you are finally got over the ex. Every step you take forward allows you to focus on your future.

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