
What does a woman look like before, during and after orgasm?

Ah, that mysterious female orgasm. Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti decided to break with the taboos that touch female sexuality and instead celebrate it. In The O Project, he captured women before, during and after orgasm in the photographic lens.

Alberti is for his project The O Project chose women of all nationalities, including those from slightly more conservative countries such as China and Singapore. Another company joined the project Smile Makers, which manufactures female sex toys. "Our collaboration with Marcos has made this photo series possible, with which we try to break the stigma around female sexuality and at the same time encourage the normalization of female pleasure," said Smile Makers.
They gave every girl that way one toy and let her do as she pleased. Four photos of each model, who managed to have an orgasm, show how the facial expression changes when she is a woman at the peak of pleasure, and how relieved it works at the end.

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